this page is about hiking and camping in Northern New England


Hi! Welcome to Mark & Betsy's Hiking and Camping homepage!

Chimney Pond

Mount Washington and Tuckermans Ravine from Bootspur

Animation to Rogers Ledge

Hello We are Mark and Betsy. We decided to make a web page just for fun on some of our delightful hikes and camping experiences. The site is presently under construction and will be for some time until we figure out all the mumbo jumbo. We plan to include lots of pics and stories. We will have sections on our views of the environment, fitness and health, weather, saftey, other websites we like. We have hiked all 48 4000 foot peaks in New Hampshire. We have spent the last 10 years or so hiking and camping in the Whte Mountains. It is a home away from home. We plan to review the restaurants we like. If you have been to a restaurant and you want us to try it, visit the guest book and fill in that field.

Click this it may save your life

(Notes on saftey)

check out these three galleries

Mountain views

(our mountain hikes)

The other views

(just stuff you see other than the panoramic type)

Sugar Loaf 2 Campground

(this is where we camp)

Because they are there

(What we have done and what we plan to do)


(Walk to a fountain of youth)

Mount Washington Hotel


Links to other sites on the Web

Mount Washington Hotel
White Mountain Server

Come back again we will be working on this as we find stuff that we think suits this page

© 2000 hikers4k@aol.com