~Thanks Kristin for the great banner!!!~

Welcome everyone to a page dedicated to one of my favorite animals, the moose!  I'm a moose crazy fool!  I don't know how this whole thing started, where I live there are no moose at all, although there are reports of one being seen north of the river.  One of the girls at my old job swore up and down she saw one on the way to work, I'd like to believe her but.......anywho, for those that understand and even share this obession with alces alces I hope you enjoy what we have here at BlueMoose.  Check out the links below for cool moose places on the web.  Oh yeah, be sure to check out the moose stuff at the bottem of this page, the best is trying to find the moose...

The Josh Moose Page A really cute page dedicated to a stuffed moose.  Has good moose links too.

Free Moose Cybercards!
Free moose pictures (that's where I got the blue moose above) and cards to send to your moose buddys!

Mickey Moose Club
Join an group of fellow moose lovers and get a spiffy membership card and a small, yet undeniably handsome certificate of membership.  All it costs is two stamps!


Do you

David's Moose Site A fun site with good links, be sure to check out Moosentration.

Dr. Moose's Page
Another great moose site.

John's Moose Page
I really enjoyed this one, it has some moose graphics you can download.

Questions?  Comments?  Broken link?

Feel free to drop me a line via MoosEMail

You have two animal spirits who walk with you, one on your left and one on your right.  These animals appear to you in dreams and visions to guide and protect you along the path of life.  You also have a guide within you which envelopes and surrounds your very being.  It is through this guide that you derive your personal strength, and it is with this animal's medicine that you can shape your path in life.

More Moose Stuff!


Have a homepage?  Feel free to take this really spiffy BLUE MOOSE AWARD as a thanks for visiting gift.  All I ask is that you put a link back to this site and email me your address.

Click on the moose icon to meet my pet cybermoose, Monty and Blue, and find out how you can get your OWN! :-)

Click on the shield to read a moose story I wrote..about how the moose became as he is today.

Click on this moose icon to see some cool moose stuff I've found on the web, more is being added all the time.

Can you find the moose...click on the cabin and you're started out in the big woods, which way should you go first?

MOOSE RINGS!!!  Click on the moose to see all the moose rings blue moose is a member of.  You can find lots of moose pages this way, so if you're ready for more moose, let's go!

Meet Blue Moose!

Proud Member of the


If you have a homepage in Yosemite, why not nominate it?

Can you believe it? We're an award winning site!

Thanks for stopping by, may the moose be with you!

You're moose lover number

(^^^oo^^^) A BlueMoose Page
Created June 22, 1999

to visit my page since I figured out how to install this counter.

Last updated Sept. 6, 2000

Coming Soon!!!

A Picture of the "famoose" moose crossing sign in Pleasant Hill, MO.  Made by...guess?