This page is dedicated to links that are related in someway to matchlock firearms, whether they are firearms related, historical, reenacting, etc.

Firearms History
Arment Renaissance
Das Eisenkleid der Landsknechte
Gunpowder Weapons of the Late Fifteenth Century
Guns found on board the Mary Rose
Handgonnes And Matchlocks
Hussar Firearms
The Japanese Matchlock
Loading and firing Matchlocks
Matchlock Drawings
Matchlock-Grand-Daddy to All Firearms
Matchlock Photos
Miguelet Odyssey
Muskets of the English Civil War
The Osaka Patterned Japanese Matchlock Rifle
Period Firearms
Reme Museum of Technology
Robin's Matchlock page
Smoothbore Musketry
Types of Firearm Ignitions

Firearms Organizations
National Firearms Association
National Rifle Association (US)
National Rifle Association (UK)
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia
Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand

Muzzleloading Forum (Pre-Flintlock Forum)

Military History
de Soto 1539-1543
The English Civil Wars
Hortus Bellicus Munchbergk 1632
Imperial Austria - Arms & Armor
Jamestown Rediscovery
Living in Canada in the Time of Champlain
The Military of the Day
Weapons and Uniforms

Muzzle Loader Organizations
Dutch Muzzle Loaders
The Muzzle Loaders Association (UK)
National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (US)

Reenacting General Information
Call to Arms
Matchlock Musket Drill, XVII C. Polish
The Musket Drill

Reenacting Organizations
The English Civil War Society
The English Civil War Society Of America
The Sealed Knot
The Tudor Group
The Westphalian Society

Bandoliers for Musketeers
J Henderson Artifacts
Matchcord's Website
The Slow Match Web Site
Syke's Sutler
A Tale of Three Matchlocks
Teleoceras's Blackpowder Page
Ye Olde Merchante of Deathe