October Colours

Scenic photography of the colourful autumn outdoors


Autumn View


This site contains scenic photgraphy of the autumn in Eastern Canada. Check out the gallery pages to view photos of beautiful landscapes exploding with spectacular colours. Come on in relax and enjoy. Images of autumn in the Laurentians of Quebec are a click away.

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Wait there is more. Photos of winter landscapes, FREE wallpaper, and links to great photography websites. More pictures of spring and summer are comming soon. A collection of links to some great eco-tourism, evironmental and conservation may be found here. Find out more about this site

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I went for a walk in the woods not far from the place where I have taken some of my best pictures. On that day the photos I took were not pretty. It is not the kind of photography I enjoy and not the images I enjoy viewing but somehow I find them compelling

A Special Presentation

This site is designed for quick and easy navigation, and the galleries contain thumbnails so you may pick and choose exactly what you wish to see. This site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 800 X 600 or better

Last update 21 August 2003

Original creation 15 October 1999

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