Dwayne, Breezylynn, and Jace Wilson

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LATEST NEWS: Breezylynn is becoming a stay at home mom as of 5/28/01!! Jace is really excited about having his mom home and Dwayne looks forward to clean house, mowed lawn, and home cooked meals! Lynn is looking forward to the same and being able to devote time to becoming a full fledged breeder of redbone coonhounds! Jace has been registered for Kindergarten at Elkhart Public School and will start in the fall. We have requested Charla Crawford O'Neal to be his teacher. Lynn is happy about this as she went to school with Charla and remembers her as patient, kind, and nurturing. Lynn also plans to sign up to substitute teach at the school to bring in a little extra money while Jace is in school.

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Family Pictures
Pictures of the Coonhound Crew
Pictures of our horses
Reverend's Amazing Grace Memorial Page
Breezy's amazing weight loss pictures!

© 2000 adwilson@webtv.net