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Boy Scouts of America Troop 1

Welcome to Boy Scouts of America Troop 1

Sponsored by:
First United Methodist Church
201 Monroe Street
Jefferson City, Missouri
(573) 635-6886

Scoutmaster: John Madras 573-635-8429

Sr. Patrol Leader: Being Elected

Committee Chairman: Mrs. Bailey (573) 782-4819

Introduction to meetings, adult leadership and a message to parents.

Dues, Expenses, and Uniforms an explanation of the cost of joining Boy Scouts and what the expenses are.

Troop Activities an explanation of the types of activities that the Troop will participate in.

Popcorn Sales More information on the annual Boy Scouts of America Popcorn Sales.

Troop Special Special activities and organizations that the Troop participates in.

Troop Calendar These are updated to reflect the current calendar of activities as approved by the Troop Committee. The initial calendar for the year is approved in August before the school year begins.

Boy Scouts of America Links These are links to other Boy Scout sites. Take the time to explore and learn about the great adventures in Scouting.

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This page last reviewed: Sep 12, 2006

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