Preddvor (Potoska gora)
Start nmv/asl 1200 m
Pristanek/landing Preddvor 480 m
Orientacija/Orientation SW, S
Atlas Slovenije 84 B2
Vzletisce lezi na Mihcevih kopiscih pod vrhom Potoske gore. Start je travnat in prostoren. Dostop je mozen le pes (od hotela Bor priblizno 75 minut). Prvi del poti je mozno opraviti z avtomobilom kar vam bo prihranilo 20 minut hoje. Pristanek je ob jezeru Crnava.
Navigation Kranj-Preddvor
Meeting point Hotel Bor or tennis court in Preddvor
The nearby hill Potoska gora used to be a popular takeoff. Since there is no road to the top, only "ironmen" kind of pilots will want to enjoy 60 minutes climb by foot. These days Preddvor is considered more a meeting place and a landing site. If you choose to land here, you will be rewarded with one of the nicest tourist resorts in Slovenia with a small lake, good food and cute landscape. Ambroz and Gozd are about 30 min. drive to the east and west, respectively. In other words, just a short XC flight away (10 km).