Hobbytex Sucks

I used to like Hobbytex. I still do, in a way. I like their pictures and their paints. I had never had a bad experience with them. Until recently. The friendly, helpful Hobbytex that I knew has been replaced by an abrupt, rude public face which threatens legal action wantonly to most eBay sellers who dare to try to sell their old Hobbytex items. This is the same company which has a set of ‘fairies’ items which have SHIRLEY BARBER’S DESIGNS UNCREDITED ON THEM. I have one of these items, and nowhere, in either the catalolgue, the specials flyer or the pattern painting guide is Shirley Barber’s name mentioned. I have the book (The Enchanted Woods – The Fairies Tale) where the fairies can be found. I was first puzzled, and then disgusted to find that no mention of the pattern’s origin is made. This is ironic, given the ease with which the lady from Hobbytex threatens legal action to eBay sellers for alleged misuse of the Hobbytex company name.

I realise that I am likely to be threatened with legal action for the content of this web page, and I welcome them to try it. STOP BEING AN ARROGANT BULLYING COMPANY and work to regain the trust that I, and others, once had in the Hobbytex name. I hope to one day change my opinion, but for now, to my husband’s relief, I am no longer willing to buy from, or give support to, Hobbytex. Does anyone want to buy the several hundred dollars worth of paints, transfers, patterns, pictures, table linens and accessories that I had purchased? I find that I no longer want them.