Welcome to Virginia's Homepage
Hi!! Welcome to my very improved homepage. (Organization, at last!) It's still in the renovation stages, and is always under construction, so check back often. Everything's accessible from the links below. I now have several nifty new gizmos. =) For your convenience and to keep everyone up to date on my gadgets, I've added a "what's new" page as well. That's it for now, so have fun surfing my site!

**Note: with the exception of this page, this site is very heavy in graphics, which, depending on your connection speed, may take a while to load. So please be patient.
<-- Get paid to surf the web. This actually works... no gimmicks whatsoever.
Contact me at vdozier@email.unc.edu

"I sit and curse myself, kneel, cover my head and cry alone; just wishing... wishing all the while to feel a pair of arms wrap me up and save me from myself, from this broken path."

College Friends



My Whores

My Live (when it's on) Webcam

Our Trip Around the World

Our Vacation

My Family


Friends (cont.)

Friends (cont. more)

Friends (what can i say? i have a lot!)

Class of '99

Back in the Days

My Pets



Drawings (err... make that singular for now)

Rants --NEW!!!

Written Works

Other Stuff

Kyle's Homepage

Legal Stuff


Message Board

Random Occurences of Stupidity

Sign my Guestbook (if it's working)

Vanilla Mail -- free email

What's New

Last screwed up July 31, 2000. (Check out my What's New page for updates.)

This site had 1539 hits from January 21, 1999 to December 30, 1999.

As of Dec. 30, I have a new counter/tracker. Click on the graphic in the upper left hand corner of this page to view results.