

My Back Yard
Outdoor Sites

National Radar Summary

Weather and Water info

Outdoor Links

Photon Light

Knots you must know!

a must have
for the outdoors.

Terra Server (An overhead View)

Water Fun

Using Map and Compass

Online Topographic maps

Ben Meadows

Rock Climbing NJ

Safety, FirstAid, and Fitness

Bear Project


The Backpacker



The best Outfitters

Mountain Biking



Paul Hubbell, the Best Partner
you could have!

Paul has a
Mt. Biking page that has a HubTech lighting system tha would come in handy in search and rescue situations, not to mention how well it works on the bike trails..


Tell them that Kate sent you. My wife has been rafting with them for 12 years.


This mapping software is a god send if you want to be really prepared for the trip.
You can create  your hike on the map and then upload it to a GPS. Then when the trip is done, download the trip and plot it on the map. Print just the map area you want instead of taking the entire map. see example below
