About the author . . .

It's Me!

My name is Russ Strenk and I'm the Cubmaster of Pack 214. That's me in the picture to the left.

I started my Scouting career in 1968 in my hometown of Huntington, New York. I belonged to Pack 67, based at Washington Elementary School. I progressed through Webelos and earned my Arrow of Light with Pack 67.

My Old Pack Numbers

I moved on to Boy Scout Troop 188, also based in Huntington. We had an extremely active Troop! We hiked the Appalachian Trail, canoed the Delaware River, and walked the Lincoln Trail in Washington D.C.

Our family move to California ended my Scouting career . . . until now. 25 years later I rise from the dust to lead my sons along the Scouting trail!

My hope is that my sons (and my daughter) enjoy the same wonderful experiences I enjoyed in my Scouting days!


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Read about our Pack 214 activities.