
This section will be a pictoral of "The Saco River" in both New Hampshire and Maine.

The music you are listening too is "Moon River". Taking a trip on the Saco River on full moon evenings is my favorite and I found the instrumentals to be beautiful and appropriate for the "Journey".

I will be adding more pictures as I journey myself and discover more and more about "The Saco River", make sure you Bookmark this site as it will continually be under "Creation".

The Saco River begins it's journey to the Atlantic Ocean in the White Mountains, located in North Conway, New Hampshire. Pictured below is the river at it's beginning point. Of course you can't raft or canoe at this spot, but the hiking is fantastic! The water is cool, clear, and very refreshing!

One of my favorite secret FREE camp sites on the river...I can't tell you where it is, or it wouldn't be a secret!

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Send the "River Queen" an e-mail...let me know what you would like to see here, or simply write and say "Hi!", I'll write you back, honest 'injun! The "River Queen" is also always ready, willing, and able to help you with your Saco River needs! Don't delay, e-mail me today!

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