Why you shouldn't hunt, kill, or eat squirrels

You are probably here saying, "hey, I like to EAT squirrels, ha ha!" or "Know any good squirrel recipes?" but I have some important news for you.

  1. Anyone who hunts squirrels will tell you that they are indeed very challenging to hunt. When you see squirrels on campus or in a suburban neighborhood, they would of course be easy targets for a hunter since they are accustomed to people, and are never hunted. In the deep woods where people hunt, it is much different. You can walk through woods that are full of squirrels without ever seeing one, because they hide. Also, they are very small targets, they are smart enough to keep out of sight, and they move fast. Even hunters admit that there are few animals smarter than squirrels. I don't understand how you can admire an animal and then kill it, but that is the way you seem to think.
  2. Just because squirrels are numerous, this does not suggest that they are too numerous and must all be shot down. The same went for the passenger pigeon, which was even more numerous than the squirrel shortly before they became extinct due to overhunting.
  3. It is not a pleasing thought to picture an innocent life-form being slaughtered by a force several hundred times more powerful. It's like shooting a hamster! I found a link that talks about Squirrel Hunting and how it's rediculous.
  4. If you hunt squirrels, you know that they are intelligent, complex animals. Why is it necessary to kill them? You arejust disrupting the natural order of things. You know that humans are a part of nature. Humans are the part of nature that is most aware. Well, humans are aware enough to look at something and say that it is beautiful and not harm it. Since humans are part of nature, then that means that nature itself is able to refrain from killing. Instead of going out with a gun, if you want a challenge, go out with a camera instead and try to take wildlife photographs. It is more challenging than hunting and you don't have to kill!

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