Squirrel Questions
About squirrels in general:
Q. Why are squirrels so cool?
A. I'm not exactly sure. They've always intrigued me. I guess it's their excellent agility, or maybe their general cuteness. Maybe it's their ability to become so tame at college campuses and parks. There are probably several other reasons why squirrels are so cool but I can't think of them all.
Q. How can you tell male and female squirrels apart from a distance?
A. It's easiest to tell during the breeding season (think about it).
Q. What kinds of squirrels live in America?
A. Click here to find out.
Q. What are young squirrels called?
A. They may be called babies, but the term I would use would be "nestlings," considering they are raised in a nest.

About pet flying squirrels:
Q. Where did you buy your flying squirrel?
A. I ordered him via Delta freight from Arlington, Texas and picked him up at the Daytona Beach airport which is 50 miles from my house in Deltona.
Q. Do flying squirrels make good pets?
A. They most certainly do. They are friendly to the extreme and never bite. The only problems you may encounter with them would have to be when the decide to excrete waste matter, and where....
Q. How can I find one locally?
A. I'm not sure, but if you are using the internet there are many links to getting a pet flying squirrel. Here are 3: link 1 link 2 link 3

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