Crew History

The 81st Hamilton Scout Group was established with one Wolf Cub Pack and a dedicated Group Committee in February 1957. It was originally sponsored by the St. Andrew's Men's Club, meeting at Queensdale Public School on the Central Mountain of Hamilton, Ontario. Within a few years, the Men's Club had grown to an entire congregation which had constructed a brand new United Church building near the corners of Mohawk and Upper Paradise Roads on the West Mountain. The 81st Hamilton had also grown to include a Scout Troop.

    Rovers were added in 1965, to complete the group. This first Crew was called "The St. Andrew's Rovers" and wore the St. Andrew's tartan as their neckerchief, as did the entire 81st Hamilton.
    In the fall of 1968, the St. Andrew's Rovers, the 1st Mt. Hope and the 1st Hannon Crews amalgamated to form the Thunderbird Rover Scouts. This new crew was sponsored by the 81st Hamilton and St. Andrew's United Church. At the same time, the new Crew colours (red and gold) and insignia were established. The Thunderbird Crew folded in 1974, but were very active in Hamilton Scouting.The Crew helped greatly with the establishment of Snowball Moot, originated the Rover 500 Car Rally, and completed many service projects at Camp Nemo, Hamilton Wentworth Council's camp.
    Fun was had by all, as the Crew continued to meet annually until the early 1990s.  One truly awesome and inspiring story that has been retold is that of the Thunderbirds' "army truck."  It seems as though the boys thought it would be a good idea to purchase an Army truck to drive to moots in.  Well, the closest they could come was a retired Ontario Hydro truck.  A loan was taken out, and each month all of the Rovers put in his fair share for the payment, until one day the garage that the truck was kept in caught on fire,
  The Crew thought this was great, because they would stop having to make payments, and would get all of their money back through the insurance company.  But then they realised that they had never purchased insurance.  We're not sure if the 'army truck' ever made it to a moot or not.  Thanks for comin' out, guys...

Lloyd Williams and Don Logan receiving their Queen's Scouts Awards, 1968.  Careful not to smile too much, guys.

   In 1991, Rovers once again were established at St. Andrew's, this time known as the "81st Hamilton Rovers," wearing the blue and green neckerchief now common to the entire group.

    In September, 1996, with 12 new members, the Thunderbird Crew was re-established. In October of that year, we held our first Investiture Ceremony at Rover Chalet, at Mount Nemo Scout Camp.  That night, 6 of us were knighted.  Later on in November, 3 members were invested, and another 2 were knighted in May of 1997.  Our Crew crest was finally reproduced in December, 1996.
    By September, Our membership had grown by 7.  Since then, we have grown to 27 members - 16 Knights, 1 Advisor, 7 Squires & 3 Honorary Members.  The Crew has been represented at the HRRT, BRRRT and ORC.  Major events include meeting Rovers from Finland, Australia, the Czech Republic and Great Britain (twice,) canoe trips, and two white water canoeing courses.  Service projects include Snow Moots, Victoria Days, the St. George's Day Dinner and Dance, building the stairs behind BP Lodge at Camp Nemo, tearing down Spectator Lodge and hard labour at camp. 

    Perhaps what we are most proud of is our involvement with International events over the last few years.  In July 2000, Sir Lumberman and Sir Bortz went to the 11th World Scout Moot in Mexico, and Bortz, Dave, Flynno and Heather J. will be spending New Year's 2002 in Australia.  They'll be participating in the 15th Australian/12th Asia-Pacific Moot.  And we can't wait for the 12th World Moot in Taiwan, 2004.

    In May of 2000, the Thunderbird Crew received its greatest honour, when presented with the 1999 Roland S. Dell Memorial Award by the Ontario Rover Community.  The R.S. Dell is presented annually to the Rover, Advisor or Crew  who renders service of an outstanding nature to any level of Scouting, or the Community.  A definite surprise, the Crew is honoured beyond words to have received this award as a group - something that we agree is more meaningful than any one of us receiving it.

    The the recent past, the 81st Hamilton has been one of the largest groups in Hamilton Wentworth, with well over 100 youth members - one year there was over 80 Cubs and 40 Scouts. Currently, there are approximately 100 youth members, and the Crew is the largest section.

Past Members:   (Click on a name to see their bio.)

Mac Anderson
Ian Bryce
Ryan Darrall
Eric Durham
Sally Eagles
Adam Ellis
Bruce Glover
Rick Glover
Gerry Hill
Ross Joyce

Laura Kalbuck
Don Logan
Gord Mason
Wes McCallum



Chris Miller

Clarke Miller
Scott Miller
Monica Neumann
Gerry Nott
Michael Peace
Rick Pearce
George Pettitt
Jim Pettitt
Randy Rapheal
Doug Reid
Ainsley Spence
Charles Whitaker
Lloyd Williams



Members of the St. Andrew's Rovers       Members of the 81st Hamilton Rovers

'Modern-era' Knighting Ceremonies

The Advisors of the Crew have been...

     Dan Wentworth - 1968-1974
     Peter Flynn - 1996-present

Flynno, Miller, John, Qweak and Bortz at the parade, May 1997.

Building stairs out at Camp Nemo, July 1997.

Receiving the R.S. Dell Award.

The Crew with the R.S. Dell.

Close up of the Award.

St. Andrew's tartan.

Cross of St. Andrew.

Page created on 10 October 1999, last updated 24 November 2001.
(c) Thunderbird Rover Scouts.