Welcome to the Home Page of Cub Scout


 San Antonio, Texas





Welcome to San Antonio, Texas!


Cub Scout Pack 444 welcomes all first grade to fifth grade boys. Most boys meet weekly with their den (a small group of 5 to 10 boys). Once every month the whole pack meets. We also do all kinds of other fun activities, like family camping, good turns, the pinewood derby, and lots more. Welcome to our Web Site!


 Barry Williams, St. Pius X Catholic Church: Sponsor

Theodore Shierk: Committee Chairman

Emily Shierk: Treasurer, Committee Member

Rob Peters: Cubmaster, Bear Leader

Tom Krueger: Assistant Cubmaster

Pete Keiser: Tiger Cub Coach

Albert Rodriguez: Tiger Cub Coach, Assistant Bear Leader

Tom Finto: Webelos Leader

Want to join? Call: Rob Peters: Cubmaster: 666-1235



Visitors since 2/15/98........





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