Scanning Negatives on the Cheap

I have been doing some experimenting with using a regular flat bed scanner as a neg.
scanner on the cheap. The resultant scans are not high quality but are good enough
to view as a contact sheet, only the images are larger than those on a contact sheet. Contact me by direct mail and I'll send you some samples. Below is my method: First I put the neg. down on the scanner, then I put a piece of plate glass down on top
of the neg. (The glass is one I use to make contact sheets with) Then I put a piece of
unused white printer paper on top of the glass making a sandwich with the glass in the
middle. Then I use the scanner software thru photoshop to make a scan. Just before it
starts to scan I lift the cover and hold a 250 watt bulb in a 10" (approx) reflector (like
the ones you can get at the hardware store with a clamp for holding on to most anything)
above the sandwich so the light shines thru the paper/glass plate/ negative while the
scanner does its thing. Then I tweek the resultant image using photoshop (or use whatever
software you have.) Another member uses a goose neck lamp, my metal reflector was
something I had on hand. A photoflood lamp would work also. Regards, Don

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