Nater's Home Page

Home Page of the Century!!!

(or something)

Well, so you found me. Welcome, come on in and rest. Take your time. There's lots to see, so take your boots off, and sit a spell. (sorry, that was my arizonan roots shining through)


Who is This Nate Guy Anyway?

Well, you've come to the right place, if you want to find out more about Nathaniel Alan Young. Basic Info --

Born August 9, 1978, in Eugene, OR to Richard and Cathy Young.

Stands six feet two inches, weighing in at a wopping 156 lbs.

Loves to do anything that has to do with the outdoors; hiking, biking, climbing (indoors too), etc.

Single (in perpetuity?)

And now for that more important stuff, the stuff that really tells you who I am, well, that, as you know is one of the hardest things to do in the world. At least to me it is. Hmmmmmm...well, I like to think of myself as humble, quiet, etc., real, and I don't know what else...Another way to figure me out is to read some things I've written during some moments of supposed inspiration.

If you're reading this and you know me, and have something to add, then please tell me.

What's Nate Up To?

Hmmmmm, good question. Do you have another question that I might know the answer to? That is to say that I don't really know what I'm doing right this minute. I mean, I'm back in Prescott, AZ, living at home again. Both of these things I had vowed to never do. So I'm in trouble already. I went to school (at St. John's College in Annapolis) last spring, but decided for a reason I can't put into words, that I didn't like it. I think it had a lot to do with the east coast and the east coast mentality (BUY-SELL-WIN-AT-ALL-COSTS!!!) but I don't even know that for sure. So I left after only one semester. Now I'm working at Chartier Drywall doing assorted things from Paint Prep., to Taping/Finishing, to Landscaping. Not too bad a job I guess. I don't like it either though. Oh well. I'm contemplating going up to Alaska to try to get into the fishing trade, but it may be too late in the season. Not much else happening. Just trying to stay alive, and maybe even happy. It goes on.

Who Does Nate Know?

Well, i have a long list of friends, so bear with me.

ps. If I didn't put you first, and you are mad about it, then tell me, so I can take you off the list. :0)

Prescott Friends

Let's see, there's my best good friend, Lisa Williams. She's got married to Glenn Brownlee. They live in Davenport, Iowa where Glenn is finishing school to be a chiropractor.

Then we have good ol' Toby [York]. Going to school at NAU in Flagstaff, Az. Say hi Toby.

Rybone. Ryan Takas is going to school at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Or. He went to Alaska to fish but couldn't hack it or something.

Charles Christensen. Going to school at Colorado School of the Mines. Can you guess where?

Doug Harwood. Living and working in San Diego. Engaged (still) to Jessica. When's the wedding Doug????

Crab. Justin Crabtree, on his Mormon Mission somewhere in California. Rumor has it he'll be back sometime in September.

Luke Williams, brother of Lisa, but a friend on his own. Working for his dad the contractor here in Prescott. Watch your thumb Luke.

Mellissa Bell. Vows to never leave Prescott. Still working on owning a white picket fence.

Amy Claybaugh. She knows everyone. I mean everyone. Pretty darn good climber too.

East Coast Friends

There's Fas (Jeff Hayash) and Trillium (Kim Parent). Met them on the AT. Great folks. Even though they do live on the wrong side of the country.

Numb (Steve Guerreri). My hiking buddy for most of the trail. Last I heard he was going to go to Montana for the summer to hang out with Not Yet, yet more hiker trash.

Matt Moore. The only punk I could ever stand to hang out with. Down in Virginia for the summer with Tally, his girlfriend. Wonder if he'll ever go back to school?

A-Jin Kim. My Asian Horn-dog. Also leaving school shortly. Doesn't know what for, but who cares.

Kelley Ryan. Almost as much of a slacker as me. The only real freshman friend who is staying at school.

Sprout. Jessica Morgenstern. My other best good friend. The person to whom I have come to closest ever to a mind meld. Or something.

And Rachel Hershberg. A friend of Sprout's. And mine too. Hi Rachel.

What Cool Links Does Nate Know?

Nature Trails Lists -- Mailing Lists For Various Long Distance Trails (AT, PCT, CIT)
Rabo and Hugz Home Away From Home -- A page posted by two people who met on the net. Some great short stories by lots of people. I especially like this one.
Columbia Winery -- where I worked from June '96 to April '97 plus crush season of '97 (September to November). Great job not to mention good wine. Not that I'd know since I'm underage of course. [wink, wink]
St. John's College -- Where I actually tried to learn something.
Appalachian Trail -- The Definitive Appalachian Trail Homepage
Natethink on paper -- Some stuff I've written and quotes I like.
Random Acts of Literary Genius -- Pieces I've come across, that simply must be shared.
Appalachian Trail -- My AT page
My AT journals -- just what it sounds like
Yahoo -- Everyone know's/needs Yahoo!

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Prescott, Az 86301