Bible Study Fundamental Bible Study

Bible Fundamentals
The word Bible comes from the Greek word biblos (biblos) and means book.
There are several names found in the Bible, by which the Bible is called..
	Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any 
two edged sword. John 5:39 Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life. Romans 3:2 Unto them are committed the oracles of God. There are some symbolic names applied to the Bible (a symbol is something that
stand for or represents something else.) Lamp - Psalms 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. Fire - Jer. 23:29 Is not my word like a fire? Hammer - Jer. 23:29 Is not my word like a hammer that breaketh the rock in
pieces? Sword - Eph. 6:17 And the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Seed - Luke 8:11 The seed is the word of God. BIBLE FACTS The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, the New Testament in Greek. The Bible was written by about 40 men. It took about 1500 years to write the Bible. The New Testament was written by 8 men. It took about 60 years to write the New Testament. The 8 writers of the New Testament and how many books they each wrote: Matthew -1 Mark - 1 Luke -2 John -5 Paul -14 Peter -2 James -1 Jude -1. The Bible was divided into chapters by Hugo in 1240. The Old Testament was divided into verses by Nathan in 1445. The New Testament was divided into verses by Stevens in 1551. A marginal reading is an exact literal translation. A marginal reference points to the same thought or word elsewhere in the Bible. Chronology refers to the date of the book and is usually found in the reference. DIVISIONS of the BIBLE Dispensations Testaments Books Chapters Contents Verses Dispensations: There are three dispensations found in the Bible. The Old Testament contains the patriarchal and Jewish dispensations. The New Testament contains the latter part of the Jewish dispensation and the
Christian dispensation. (The conversion of Cornelous is considered to be under the
patriarchal dispensation because he was dealt with directly by God as a Gentile
during the Christian dispensation.) Patriarchal The word patriarchal means the rule of the father of the family. In the first great system of worship, the father of the family, was the priest and
ruler of the tribe or family. This period lasted 2500 years from about 4004 BC to 1500 BC. (Adam to Sinai) During this period God spoke his law orally to the patriarchs. They offered animal sacrifices Life during this time was very primitive, similar to the way American Indians lived. The people wandered from place to place with their herds and flocks. They also
farmed some. This dispensation is covered in the Bible from Genesis 1 to Exodus 20. Another way of expressing it is "from the Creation until Mount Sinai." Jewish This dispensation is covered in the Bible from Exodus 20 to the death of Christ - Matthew 28 In this second dispensation the Levites, (tribe of Israel) were priests. The Jews were governed by the written law of Moses, received at Mt. Sinai, (the
10 commandments) They offered animal sacrifice. They worshipped at the tabernacle first, and later in the temple. They kept the Sabbath Day. All male children over 12 years of age went to Jerusalem tree times a year to worship. They practiced circumcision as a religious rite. This dispensation lasted about 1500 years. Christian The Christian Dispensation is covered in the Bible from Act 2 through the book of Revelation. Another way of saying it is from the First Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ
to the second coming of Christ. It covers a period of almost 2000 years at this time. (1996) Christians are governed by written law in the New Testament. Jesus is our great high priest and each Christian is his own priest. Christians worship God in spirit and in truth. Testaments A testament means a will, agreement, or covenant. There are many agreements in the Bible but only two major agreements or
testaments. The agreement or testament God made with the Jews at Mt. Sinai, with the ten
commandments as the basis is known as the First Covenant. The New Testament is the Second Covenant. The First Covenant was made with the Jews only—Deut. 5:2,3. It was never binding on the Gentiles (non-Jews) unless they became proselytes
(adopted the Jewish religion). The First Covenant was not permanent, but temporary - it was to last only until
Jesus the Christ came - Galatians 3:19. Today we are not under the Old Testament law. Romans 7:4 We are dead to it. Romans 7:6 We are delivered from it. Col. 2:14 It has been nailed to the cross. Hebrews 10:9 It has been taken away. We are sanctified (set apart, saved) by the New Testament today - Hebrews
10:9,10. The New Testament became operative (began, became effective) on the first
Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ. Christ has all authority today - Matthew 28:18-20. God speaks to us through his son today - Hebrews 1:1,2. We should hear Christ today - Acts 3:23. When men make wills, they do not go into effect until after the death of the man
who makes it. A will is a way whereby a dead man can talk back to his family after
he is dead, in dividing his property, and in giving instructions to be carried out. The same is true in regard to Christ. He made a will, so to speak. It did not
become operative until after his death - Hebrews 9:16.17. Any case of forgiveness then during the personal ministry of Christ, or while he
was on earth was not under the New Testament Law, therefore is not a model for our conversion. Books The books of the Bible may be divided as follows: Old Testament Law - From Genesis through Deuteronomy History - From Joshua through Esther Poetry - From Job through the Song of Solomon. Major Prophets - (Long Prophetical Books) - From Isaiah through Daniel. Minor Prophets - (Short Prophetical Books) - From Hoshea through Malachi. New Testament Gospels - Matthew through John History - Acts Letters - Romans through Jude Prophecy - Revelation

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