Wisconsin Mycological Society

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The Wisconsin Mycological Society is primarily an amateur organization dedicated to the study and enjoyment of wild mushrooms and other fungi. Professionals in mycology and related fields provide their support and expertise. While centered in southeastern Wisconsin, membership ranges throughout the state and members travel far and wide in search of spring, summer, and fall mushrooms.

WMS members are mainly interested in learning how to collect and identify wild edible and poisonous mushrooms and their relatives. Numerous educational activities are available to teach beginners as well as more advanced collectors various techniques for learning about wild fungi.

An obvious closely related and very popular topic is cooking and preservation of many different mushrooms.

A significant number of members are involved in mushroom/nature photography and related artistic endeavors.

Also of considerable interest is the home cultivation of various mushroom species such as Shiitake, oyster Mushroom, Morels, and others.