Mateusz Lipczynski's homepage

Hi! My name is Mateusz Lipczynski, I'm 25 years old, and I've graduated from computer science at Warsaw University and a now I'm writing my bachelor thesis at Warsaw School of Economics (both in the capital of Poland).
I signed up Geocities on 97-Sep-01.

My interests are:
travel especially with my backpack in the mountains, computers, scrabble, languages, politics, music, sport (skiing, jogging, swimming).

This page is devoted to some of my trips

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

You can also visit my older homepage at my faculty:

Up till now, this page has been visited for times.

[NEW!] My report on my trip to Romania for the Total Solar Eclipse 1999

My younger brother, sister and me before the colloseum in Verona, Italy.

Those are us - my younger brother, Mr Wojciech Kozlowski (my father's friend) and me at Forc La Porta in Italian Dolomites, 2362 m a.s.l.

Another picture from Dolomites - a view to the highest ridge - Marmolada.

I spent the whole August 1997 on the trip to Ural (here is the map of Europe with our route) organized by Grzegorz Cieslik - a mountain guide from SKPB. We've been there in 15 person (10 boys and 5 girls) and that was great - just have a look!
That's me in the famous Red Square in Moscow, Russia

Those are the huts of Komi semi-nomadic people living in the Northern Russia. What they do for living is breeding reindeers and I don't know what else (fishing?).

You can see of collapsing huts in a village "1952" (a suburb of Kozhim). That strange big machine is called vesdihod - a cross-over of a jeep and a tank.

Russians call this mountain "tzaritza gor Urala" - the queen of Ural mountains. It's Manaraga, 1662 m a.s.l. It looks interesting, doesn't it? Climbing without an equipment is pretty tricky, but possible. Anyway it was too hard for me.

Yes, I was there! Veni, vidi, vici. That's me on the peak of Narodnaya, the highest peak of Ural mountains - 1894 m a.s.l. (6214 ft or so).

A fine view from the Narodnaya peak to the west, to Yanchenko mountain.

Grzegorz Calkowski, my friend and me on the mountain ridge of Beskid Niski that is situated on a part of Polish-Slovak border.

Trakai: The group from Warsaw School of Economics (including a pack of foreign students) on an excursion to Lithuania (March 2000).

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