Saga No. 3
An actual Plot... that may be... not so Random! (Page 39-??)
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KEYS: (F) Filler
           (S) Special
PAGE 39- DP and Psiko: What are they up to?
PAGE 40- Anybody up for burnt hedgehog and two-tailed fox?
PAGE 41- Several digs and harmful incidents later...
PAGE 42- Oooooh... darkness!
PAGE 43- Purple's in her own little world of idea...
PAGE 44- Purple becomes angered and stubborn.
PAGE 45- And there goes PWD...
PAGE 46- What a person won't do for a little cash...
PAGE 47- What will Purple do?
PAGE 48- RANDOM VIEWER: Where's the fight?!
PAGE 49- Don't get between a chao and his cereal...
PAGE 50- Sacrificial K.O.?!
PAGE 50(correctly colored)- Sacrificial K.O.?!
PAGE 51- Stop talking and start walking... or running.
PAGE 52- That's one ticked off chao.
PAGE 53- Moral: DO what you're thinking, don't SAY it aloud... especially around villains.
PAGE 54- Attack...... denied!
PAGE 55- Chaotix is in a hurry.
PAGE 56- Seems chaotix has his own little world, too...
PAGE 57- And the calvary is here... and in this case, that may not be a good thing...
PAGE 58- An quick arguement and other stuff.
PAGE 59- WARNING: "Beam logic" may be hazardous to ones health.
PAGE 60- Oooo... badly-drawn, soulless eyes!
PAGE 61- Massive pain... and the start of a truly serious plot... I hope...
PAGE 62- The Case of the Mysterious Ninja Dart... then hopefully the serious plot...
PAGE 63- New character appears... ally or foe?!
PAGE 64- Aggravating the new mysterious character... a bad move...
PAGE 65- An Earth special attack!
PAGE 66- "It's better to be safe then sorry"... at least that's what I think they're thinking...
PAGE 67- The Warrior's True Intentions! (and if anybody say this has "The One" written all over it, I'll Methalize them.)
PAGE 68- Purple is about to get tore up from the floor.
PAGE 69- A very random rescue!
PAGE 70- Water, electricity, and PWD do not mix.
PAGE 71- Headstrong, hot-tempered and weakened Purple pulls a foolish move!
PAGE 72- Fatal Blow?!
PAGE 73- Chaotix to the rescue! ...err...
PAGE 74- Thunder Crashin' Column! Pain... lots of pain...
PAGE 75- Bad excuses = quick deaths?
PAGE 76- Halted!