
Copyright: All the works on this page are the property of the owner, Sponge. The lists may be freely circulated for the purposes of protection against spyware provided they are not altered. The author would appreciate if some credit could be given.

Disclaimer: All the sites, IP ranges, associations, etc. are provided to the best of my knowledge and are based on various traces and linkings by registration information, company affiliations, media reports, and other publicly-available websites and resources. No guarantee as to the accuracy of this information is assumed nor is any harm intended toward any corporation(s) or individual(s) on, affected by (directly or indirecly) by the use or misuse of these list or files. By reading or using this information you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the author, provider, poster, sender, or contributors to these lists and files harmless, as well as any service provider used in the transmision of this list, for any damages, loss of service, loss of reputation, or any other injury. This information is not intended to be used to violate the Terms of Service or End User Licensing Agreement between a user and any vendor, website, or spyware, adware, or advertising manufacturer or their affiliates. Please post corrections, updates, or commentary to alt.privacy.spyware or email me at yospongeP@yahoo.comP. Remove the two uppercase letter P's to email me.

Spyware and adware is defined as any program, applet, ActiveX control, Browser Helper Object, or other code, script, or website which transmits such to a client's computer, or a service which meets one or more of the following criteria:

1. Is installed without a user's explicit knowledge or explicit consent.

2. Uploads information without a user's explicit knowledge or explicit consent.

3. Uploads, associates, or appears to or is readily capable of associating uploaded information with personally-identifiable information, such as registration information or data collected from third-party sources, without a user's explicit knowledge or explicit consent.

The "user" is defined as any person or entity who may use a particular computer on which the alleged spyware, adware, surveillance tool, or code is installed.

Any software vendor or website on this list may feel free to contact the author at yospongeP@yahoo.comP. Remove the two uppercase letter P's to email me.

Make sure to back up your system before making any changes! It's a good idea to backup your system periodically anyway! Neither I, nor the host, operators, connectivity providers, software suppliers, hosts, nor contributors to this site, are responsible for any damages, loss of work, loss of income, or other claims. This information and the software provided on this site are provided "as-is".