Yossi's Place - Stamps and Postcards ...

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Maximum  Cards

Israel, 1999
OJerusalem - Church of the Holy Sepulchre. O

PNazareth - Mary's Well.   P

OThe Jordan River.   O

Israel, 2000
P  St. Andrew's Church,  Jerusalem .  P

O   All Apostles Church, Capharnaum.  O

P  The Church of The Visitation, Ein Kerem.  P

PNazareth, The Basilica of the Annunciation.P
Israel , 1994.

Israel 1987

PTabgha, Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes.P
Part of the Byzantine Mosaic Floor, Israel 1996.

Covers with special postmarks