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An excellent reference, my very favourite, is The New Chinese Astrology by Suzanne White.
She has a great sense of humor, coupled with a HUGE personal knowledge of Chinese Astrology.
Much of my information comes from her.

Exerpt from The New Chinese Astrology

"Sunny side up, Rats are charming, protective, compassionate, communicative, dynamic,
familial, thrifty, skillful, sobere, upright, attractive, idealistic,
prosperous, experimental, calm, sensual, loving, talented, adaptable,
open-minded, brilliant entrepreneurs.

But in their darker moments Rats may wax verbose, grow possessive, picky defensive,
excessive, addictive, fickle, stingy, bumptious, bossy, exploitive, anxious,
argumentative, opinionated, overbearing, and downright self-obsessed."

Rats are what I would describe as delicately egotistical souls. We like to be thought of as grand, as in-control, as beautiful and intelligent figures to be looked up to. However, deep inside, we are nervous and in need of constant reassurance, love, and support. We may only have one or two good friends, but we depend on those friends for our surety in life.

We enjoy having things to do, working can sometimes become an obsession. Too often we are guilty of scheming, having a little personal network of friends and aquaintences. Think of us as a spider pulling little strings on her web, manipulating this person, accessing that resource. But don't think of us as cruel or nefarious! In general, although we can be rutheless to those who cross us, Rats tend to be gentle, loving souls. A little controlling at times, but you know it's for your own good!

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