~*Dreamer's Photo Page*~
Hello, welcome to my photo page. Photography is my hobby, so check back for updates! Last updated: January 28th, 2004

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me me & Alley
Me at Scorchers 11-15-03 Me and Alley at Fat Tuesdays 11-15-03
mark & me me & Jr
A photo of me and my son hiding there beside me. Taken on 10/17/03 at Tangier in Akron for my friend Rich's birthday.
Alley's boyfriend Mark and me...Also at Fat Tuesdays
Brooke and Trina
Morgan & me
This is my good friend Morgan and me. We're standing outside of Nick's Roadhouse, just hanging out with friends. Taken 6/14/03
This is my cutie Brooke and I at the Yucatan in Columbus this past July.
me and Andrew
I luv him!
My gorgeous boyfriend (Andrew) and I, New Year's Eve 2004.
My gorgeous boyfriend and I - kissing on Valentine's Day 2004.