English  Room
  I am making a web site.
   ** Be patient, folks.
   ** It is a pain in my neck.
Trying to show I am dumb ?
I am making this room
because some schools delete my stuff.
Some schools don't allow
me to get in their cozy rooms.
** < They are doing mud
**  wrestling in a closet? >
    Now, I feel that why 
the "Catcher in the Rye" is
not in some school libraries,
even the University of
Chicago Lab High School has been teaching this book for 20 some years.

Some schools don't see their
" window to the world " are partly closed.
    Stay in touch folks!

Note : It is my dog, Cookie.
He was mischievous,
but cute and lovely.
We loved him  until the end.
But he didn't brush his teeth.
Link to Each Room :
Room Introduction
Reading Materals
Sample Tests
Book Review
My Info:
Name: Young S.Choi
Email: youngschoi43@yahoo.com