
Guy finished up his taping at the MTV Asia awards last month and now he is back home. If you have cable within Aus. (foxtel/austar/optus) you can watch the MTV Asia awards re-runs.

Guy is on the cover of Dolly Magazine again this month for an Australian themed issue. It includes a double paged interview with Isabel Lucas as well, talking about all things Australian and fame etc. There are also Aussie stickers in it too with Guy of course.

Also speaking of Dolly, if you go to their website you can download a Guy Sebastian Screensaver. Go to ninemsn.com.au/dolly    and no I didn't put that comment on the polaroid.

St Patricks Day, March 17th!

Went to the
Civic Park Spectacular. It was kinda cold but ok all the same.
Started off with cover bands galore and I am so postive that one of the bands with the two girls (who couldn't sing very well) were at the royal show last year. They also had the "Blues Brothers", I was a bit dissapointed because they didn't sing Gimme Some Lovin'/Shake Your Tailfeather. Oh well.

Guy and his family were at the restaurant near by before the show started at about 6:30 PM and my sister thought he saw his brother and it probably was him but I didn't want him to recognise me.

Guy came on stage at about 8:55 PM because the major of Tea Tree Gully was presenting him with the KEY to the city, he looked really flattered but he
does deserve it. The guy  that was presenting the whole show was trying to buy some time by yelling at the crowd "SO WHOSE THIS GUY THEN?" or "NO, I DON'T THINK GUY WILL COME ON HE DOESNT THINK YOUR EXCITED ENOUGH"...ah shadup I heard that at rundle mall.

I didn't get a good view or anything since these 6'5 full grown fathers had their brats on their  back and should of stood at the back since it didn't go down too well with my 5'2 frame.

Guy's 1st song was
When Doves Cry, others were All I Need Is You, Angels Brought Me Here and What A Wonderful World. Yes, I danced did you see me? :-) But no, we didn't take piccies, sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

It said in the Saturday's Advertiser that Guy was missing home and he loves the simple things in Adelaide such as going to catch a 'povvo' movie on Tuesdays at TTP. He also said it is easy to get around and things like that :-)



Yay, turns out that Guy is going to be at the
10th Annual Civic Park Spectacular on Sunday the 22nd February Ahem, you do realise that this is in Adelaide? Well sorry if you aren't from here but yeah it may be on the news. :-P   Boy, you would have to get there early though, last year there was Vanessa Amorosi but yes, do you think that she can hold a flame to Guy? Answer: No, she can't.   Wow, they really pulled out the big guns didn't they? And best of all it's FREE, FREE FREE!

Maybe I will scan the local rag for all to see, maybe I will take pictures from far away since we will get there fashionibly late. ;-)


Sorry I haven't been updating as much, it's because I have gone on to further studies which was unexpected but that doesn't mean I will add things here or there whenever I can  you just have to be paitent. ;-)

Listened to (gasp!) SAFM tonight because Guy and Shannon were on there counting down these songs (I dunno what the show is called) and before Guy's new single "A I Need Is You" was announced as number 32 (?) he said it was sorta special to him because he sorta wrote it and it was kinda about his ex-girlfriend at that time, he said that they are best friends which is sweet and she must feel proud    ^_^

Also I watch American Idol not tonight (had to tape it and I have homework so yeah...) anyways I loved last Tuesday episode when they were in Hawaii. Very funny. I especially loved William Hung, he is so sweet, very nice nature. There is like a website dedicated to him already! Ha.

Anyways, enjoy Guy's new clip, no kissing like he said there would be but then again he jokes around alot to fool the press. Also it's released on 24th Febuary.
He is currently in Melbourne for the Australian Idol tour.

Thought I got a real email from Guy today until I remembered that I joined the mailinglist and it was just a robot.

Just have been uploading more pictures, made another banner etc

Yesterday on the 10 news (ofcouse, if any other news station tries to get a story on Guy there is hell) there was a sneak peak of the filming of Guy's news film clip for his song "All I Need Is You", you probably know that song because Channel 10 promos flog it out or you just have his album. It was pretty hot there and the setting was like in a dry field sort of thing, Guy is sitting in this red circle thing and on the outside is wood, I can't explain it but other things about it is that Guy seemed tired not aloof but just like he needed sleep, he was still smiling though. He also looked like he got a haircut, I don't like it to be honest.

Also I deleted the advertisment of the supposed rafffle for Georgia of my site. My sister (who also has a Guy site ) got an email from the webmistress/organiser of the raffle (because she emailed her before that asking if she can put her link up on her website since Rachel put the Georgia banner up and you were allowed to ask for that to be done anyway) it was very weird, she said something like that she isn't going to have the site up anymore and that Georgia didn't get her "big fat pool" because we are "all a bunch of tight arses" etc. Crazy. So yeah Rachel heard that the webmistress' email got hacked into and someone got her mobile number too and she reckons she knows who it is so hmmmmmm

Here is a picture I found of Guy when he was filming with his supposed love interest/s in the clip.

I found a picture of Guy singing at the Jamboree, it wasn't too hard but finding more is the hardest thing.

Other than that I have been updating the site by linking more pages together since most of them are done. Added more banners. I haven't been getting to many more affiliates lately, not that I have to have more straight away but it's nice to have lots of 'em y'know like mini friends but on the net, sorta. :-)

Here's another spoof of a teen magazine thing I made.