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the police murder of amadou diallo

On Friday, February 25th, four New York City police officers were acquitted of 2nd Degree Murder charges in the shooting death of Amadou Diallo.

Diallo, an immigrant from West Africa, was gunned down by police who fired 41 shots at the unarmed man.

The cops reported that Diallo was acting suspiciously and that when they confronted him he reached for something they believed was a gun.

In truth, the frightened Diallo was only reaching for his wallet. An innocent bystander, Amadou was another victim of an increasingly common "shoot first - ask later" attitude of police.

The officers were part of a roving plain-clothes police force that randomly harasses young Blacks and other working people. Three of the four had been subject to written complaints by members of the community.

Youth for Socialist Action condemns this act of police violence and recognizes it as a systematic attack on the safety and basic democratic rights of working people, particularly immigrants and minorities. We call for a mass action campaign demanding justice. Join us in the struggle against police brutality and the racist system as a whole!

The above text is from a flyer put out by YSAers in Iowa and Minnesota.

Youth for Socialist Action - fighting for a world worth living in!

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