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report on usas conference

CHICAGO- Hundreds of students from across the country gathered here for the second annual national conference of The United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) on August 2nd-5th. The conference discussed ways of continuing student involvement in the fight for workers justice, both here and abroad. The conference began with mobilization in support of local workers. Students joined workers at the picket line of striking Teamsters who are employed at V&V Supremo Foods on the cities south side. The largely immigrant workers are organized into Local 703 and have been on strike for union recognition. Hundreds of students and workers chanted slogans in support of workers in the face of company hired thugs who failed to intimidate the picket line.

This scene highlighted the growing alliance of workers and students in advancing the interests of working people. The conference reflected on students’ work in solidarity with striking workers at the New Era apparel company and solidarity efforts with organizing hotel, garment, laundry, and other workers.

Students, while lacking the social power to advance workers rights, can and have played key roles in assisting the struggles of the working class. The USAS conference was a positive step in this unfolding alliance.

The article above was written by Chicago YSAer Dave Bernt.

Youth for Socialist Action - fighting for a world worth living in!

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