This is the dream I had.

I woke up.  I knew I woke up so I reasoned that, as I had awakened, I could no longer be asleep and dreaming.  Now, knowing in my dream that I was quite definitely awake.  I noticed a noise in my bedroom.  It was not the hamster cage (no, I don’t have a hamster).  But, as I somehow was now standing on the floor by my bed despite having just waked up, I saw that the source of the noise was a large plastic birdcage on my bed.  It’s a bunk bed by the way, so the birdcage was eye level (yes, I sleep in a bunk bed by myself, I get top).

Now, looking in the birdcage I saw that it somehow was able to accommodate several birds.  There were blue jays, canaries, and – interestingly enough – pigeons.  And although the cage wasn’t especially big, there must have been at least three of each kind of bird.  I guess I should say now, that it wasn’t really a cage; it was more like a hamster tank type thing.

Well, this cage had a sort of a small lower section that had baby birds.  But they weren’t the little hairless things, they were just like miniature versions of these birds I mentioned so they were very cute and I recall pointing out to some unidentified person in my room with me the little blue jay.

Then I was alone in my room and I took out a baby pigeon to play with, but it fell on the floor and was cruising around my room, which (to further reinforce the surreality of this dream) was perfectly clean.  Quite logically I wanted to make sure that this baby bird didn’t get under my bed, but what would happen but the stupid thing shoots right under the bottom bunk.

So I crawl under the bed after it and lo and behold, underneath my bed opens up into this huge, empty concrete room.  It’s all dusty and dark and happens to be full of wooden beams holding up the ceiling.  At this point I see the baby pigeon heading back under the little curtain thingy that hangs from the bottom bunk to the floor (this I actually have in real life), you know the kind.

I discovered the reason for the bird’s haste was a large lizard which I saw trundling back into the shadows of the room, that may have had a window or something for a bit of lighting.  Of course, I wanted to get back to my bedroom, but I couldn’t get my head to go back underneath the bottom bunk.  So I’m stuck here trying to get back under the bed, but now my head is too large and I’m left sprawled on the dusty floor of this weird concrete place.

At this point I woke up.  I knew I was awake and not dreaming anymore, because I had just been asleep.  As I wasn’t anymore, I must have been awake, or so reasoned my dreaming self.  Now I was in an airport terminal.  I was talking to Sarah Sitz on one of those moving walkway, conveyor belt things.

This is what we were talking about:  I was telling Sarah all about this bizarre dream I had just had where I dreamt that I had woken up – And in my dream I knew I was awake because I knew I had woken up from a dream – and there was this bird cage in my room.  So here I am, going from a dream I have no recollection of to waking up from that dream in another dream and then waking up from the second dream into a third one, all the while having cognizance and awareness of having previously dreamt.  I’m even telling Sarah about the first two dreams in the third dream, after waking up from the second.

Then I actually did wake up.  But isn’t that the most bizarre thing? A dream within a dream within a dream.
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