VO: When the most powerful man in the world realizes just how powerless he really is…
*Oval Office Again, W. is at his desk facing Special Prosecutor Lynn Ewing III*
E3: Why do you have to make this difficult, Mr. President?
W: My personal relationships are of no concern to Congress, you errand boy!
E3: What are you trying to hide?
W: Nothing!
E3: Then just give me the tapes!
W: Ewing, do realize what kind of chaos we would ensue if the public found out the President had an affair with Libyan Crack Whore terrorists?
E3: The public has a right to know.
W: It’s a matter of national security; the content of those tapes cannot be revealed. You go tell your keepers in the Senate that they’ll never get those tapes while I’m in office.
E3: I’m sorry it has to be this way.
W: Not as sorry as you’re going to be…
VO: When a President finds himself tangled in his own web of lies…
*Special Prosecutor Lynn Ewing III’s office. He sits reviewing evidence with an assistant.  It is late at night, he has been working for hours*
E3: I think the Libyan Crack Whore terrorists may have had ties to the hookers who work the White House corner.
Asst: Those hookers were found dead this morning, sir.
*Weary, after realizing the significance of his case* Oh, God…what have we gotten ourselves into? …. *rests his head in his hands*
Asst: Shall I get you more smack, sir?
E3: Yeah…and come take off my pants after we shoot up…
VO: Sometimes drastic measures are the only measures left.
*W. again stands before Congress, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle addresses him*
TD: The Senate has made its decision, Mr. President. You have no choice, but to give us the tapes.
*strangely calm looks up* In the name of national security, I exercise my right of executive privilege.
*smug* It’s far too late for that, George. It’s time to give up. Now, hand over the tapes.
*bitter* So you think you can do whatever you want to the President of the United States, just by taking a vote? Well don’t forget to count my vote, you son of a bitch! *Pulls out a shotgun and fires; Daschle is killed instantly. Bush pumps the next round into place and fires again and again, the Senate is in chaos, several Secret Service agents pull out pistols and open fire into the crowd*
VO: This fall…
*In Oval Office W. is making a televised announcement*
W: My fellow Americans, democracy as we know it has failed. Congress has betrayed you and can no longer be relied upon…Due to the circumstances, I have no choice, but to declare myself dictator for life. I assure you, we will all be much happier this way.
VO: Congress learns its lesson.
*on special red telephone* Waste them.
*Capital Building explodes in a fiery hell storm*
*Title Screen – EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE, a story of lies, lust and betrayal in the White House*
*Roll Credits*

President of the United States, George W. Bush:
“As soon as I read the part for “W”, I knew it was the role I was meant to play.  I'm not going to ruin the movie for you, but let's just say my character has a lot of  “bang”.”
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