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This site is a compilation of Joe Salvay's research on the psychology and sociology
emerging through Internet games called Multi-User Domains (MUDs).

Along with his Psychology professor, Dr. Joseph Pirone at SUNY Rockland, Joe Salvay emerged a theory
for Conflict-Resolution through MUD games. This theory involves a synthesis of the concepts of
Psychodrama, Sociodrama, and the psychology of MUD games.

Dr. Pirone and Joe Salvay urge all students of psychology and sociology to be aware of these concepts
and help expand and develop them. We are also looking for anyone with expertise in creating MUD games.

Identity and the Internet: The Effects of Virtual Reality on The Self. (Fall, 2001)

This research paper analyzes how the virtual reality in MUD’s, IRC’s, and Chat rooms affects the way we
perceive our identities. It illustrates how the self evolves through the use of multiple-online-selves who
engage in virtual sex, gender swapping, and other activities,
Research Paper
Related links

MUDs: Sociodramatic Conflict-Resolution. (Spring, 2002)

This paper synthesizes the concepts of Sociodrama with the Psychology of MUDs, to create a virtual stage
for anyone with an Internet connection to act out a group’s collective unconscious.
Research Paper
Related links
Script of Israel-estine MUD

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