As the Fourth of July Holiday approaches.. this paragraph hits very close to home for me.  My
grandmother was killed by a drunk driver on July 3
1985..I would love 5 more minutes with her...Susan

Five More Minutes

While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground.
"That's my son over there," she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.
"He's a fine looking boy" the man said. "That's my son on the swing in the blue sweater." Then, looking at his watch, he called to his son. "What do you say we go, Todd?"
Todd pleaded, "Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes."
The man nodded and Todd continued to swing to his heart's content.
Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his son.
"Time to go now?" Again Todd pleaded, "Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes."
The man smiled and said, "O.K."
"My, you certainly are a patient father," the woman responded.
The man smiled and then said, "My older son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything
for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Todd.
He thinks he has five more minutes to swing.
The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch him

Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?
Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time
That's All Folks !
John Michael Montgomery
Home To You
I know you can see this, I know you are with me, I'll  be putting poems in here just for you. This one reminded me, it's been 3 years come this July, but I still can't diminish my pain and put it in my pocket, it's too large, as I will never forget you, but maybe I could follow some of this wisdom, it won't diminish the pain, but maybe it will help others. Until we meet again Grandma. I put a special song in here for you, it's called " Home to you " because someday I will get to come home to you. I love you Grandma!
Ask Wisdom

There was once a woman named Wisdom. One day someone who was very near and dear to her died--- And it truly broke her heart. The sadness was overwhelming-- and the mountain of grief she carried was so heavy it took all of her strength and energy. She was not able to accomplish anything else -- for bearing this load required her whole being. This mountain of grief towered so high -- Wisdom couldn't peek over it -- so vast and wide she couldn't see around it -- so dense there was no way to view through it. It was like being engulfed under a thick fog -- and having no direction. At first all she could do was walk day by day in circles -- just doing her best to carry this blinding mountain of grief. I can do no more than this. She often thought, No more. But as time went by, Wisdom noticed a fellow traveler on the road of life whose grief was so new and heavy he was not able to carry it alone. Maybe, just maybe I could assist him, Wisdom thought. If I could help him with his grief for a while, he could rest and maybe have the strength to go on. But to do this, she realized, I must put down my own grief for a time. -- do I dare try? After looking again at this weary man through the eyes of her heart -- Wisdom felt compelled by compassion to help. So with a whispered prayer -- she carefully set aside her own grief -- and gently took hold of her new friends burden. And as they talked and shared their experience -- they both gained strength. As Wisdom sent him on his journey a stronger man -- she noticed as she picked up her grief again, it was lighter, too. As Wisdom continued to help others along the path -- her own sadness was slowly being melted by the warmth of shared friendships. She could start to see over, around and through it -- and notice again the flowers, the sky and the beauty around her -- and she began to plan a future. In time, Wisdom found her grief had become more manageable and more portable. Finally, it was tiny enough to fit into a unique pocket right next to her heart -- only to be taken out on special occasions or when needed.
Written by: Ruth Berkes
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Lissa's Place

Lissa's Place

Eric Clapton
Tears In Heaven