The 6th OPEN International Performance Art Festival


1.余極 Yu Ji (成都Chengdu)
看不見的行動 Invisible Action

2.Paul Gregoire (加拿大Canada)
熊和海象(三、二、一、零) The bear and the walrus(Three, two, one, zero)

3.voila (中國香港 China Hongkong)
門 Door

4.周斌 Zhou Bin (成都Chengdu/西安Xi'an)
平衡,一種聲音 Balance, one sort of sound

5.丸仔 yuenjie (中國香港 China Hongkong)
滴答.園心 Beat.Center

6.Martin Renteria (墨西哥Mexico)
Plot of empty spaces without limit of time

7.劉翔杰 Liu Xiangjie (西安Xi'an)
按揭一平米 Mortgage of one square meter

8.Milan Kohout (美國US)
吊 Hang it

9.董勛 Dong Xun、宋軼 Song Yi、破水 Po Shui (重慶Chongqing)
一場遊戲一場夢 One game, one dream

10.陳進 Chen Jin (北京Beijing)