Yuen Li Low's Trombone Reviews Page

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Discontinued trombone models


Trombone Reviews

My plan is for this section to contain reviews by experienced trombonists on individual trombone models or trombone series. It is hoped that there will eventually be at least one positive and one negative review for each instrument model or series so that readers of this site will be made aware of the pros and cons of the instruments they are interested in. Please take a few moments to read my copyright notice and disclaimer if you haven't done so already.

Currently, reviews are available for the:

Conn 88H series

Olds Super tenor trombone

Share Your Experiences

If you are an experienced trombonist who would like to share your positive or negative views of a particular model or series of instrument, please feel free to e-mail me. Aside from relating your experience(s) with the instrument(s) in question, please make sure to include the following information in your e-mail: a) details about the instrument, b) permission to quote from or reproduce your e-mail on my website, c) your REAL name and a short biography about yourself (this is in order to establish your credentials - anonymous submissions for this section are not allowed, unlike for most other sections of this website), d) a declaration of any interests (eg if you are receiving payment from the manufacturer to endorse their instruments) and e) whether you'd like any contact details or links to your websites etc to be published or embedded. Thank you!