Deck Registration

Deck registration is required so the judges and tournament hosts can maintain a small amount of "fairness" among all the tournament participants. Otherwise, duelists who rapidly gain new and stronger cards would continually grow stronger throughout the tournament, giving them an advantage over those who may not buy or be able to obtain as many cards as them.

There are only a few basic rules for deck registration:

    1. You may only register a maximum of 2 decks for use during the entire tournament period (play-offs to finals). That/Those will be your dueling deck(s) from the play-offs up until the finals are over.

    2. You may have one registered side deck of 15 cards - no more and no less. You may swap out cards before and after each match (or duel). You may swap cards between your deck and side deck as long as your side deck contains exactly 15 cards when done.


If a duelist is found to have a deck slightly or radically different from the one registered with that includes cards not registered with their deck or side deck, that duelist must modify their deck until it exactly matches the deck registered with the judges. If the duelist is unable or refuses to do so, they will be suspended from all tournaments as long as their current deck and/or side deck does not exactly match the one they originally registered with.
