Transcending the Seven Kumaras

Lord and Lady Rize through Karen Danrich, Mila Sinoski, and Tom Weber, Rama

DECEMBER 9, 1998

We, the Order of Rize, who hold 144,000 temples that contain all of the vibrations that the very fabric of all of creation within your Ovum is constructed, address the next phase of ascension and Initiations 3500 through 5024. These initiations, when transcended and embodied, lead to a state of harmlessness.

   Harmlessness is a state of being in which an initiate creates no harmful act on any plane of reality, whether that plane be conscious, subconscious or unconscious in nature. Harmful acts can be likened to the curse patterns spoken about in detail in the prior two articles Beyond Liberation and Attaining a 25th-Dimensional Consciousness. It is not our intent to repeat what is already discussed elsewhere, and we therefore suggest that our readership read this material if they have not already done so.

   Inherent within the pattern of the curse is a thoughtform that allows initiates to take power and information that does not belong to them without “earning” it. It also allows initiates to be taken from by others in a similar fashion. The very act of taking power and information from another causes harmfulness between initiates. For in the act of taking power and information from another, parts of another initiate’s energy field are removed, destroyed and mutilated. This ongoing destruction of the etheric, mental, and emotional lightbodies between initiates is generally acted out on an unconscious plane of reality. Although the pattern of the curse is acted out unconsciously, the physical plane ramifications of this pattern have become the experience of aging, illness and decay upon Earth.

   Within the original blueprint for your creation, the spiritual path was designed for the purpose of understanding creation and destruction through the accruing of power based upon love. Within a balanced initiatory path of ascension, the more love an initiate embodies, the more power and assistance they receive, i.e., more love equals more power and guidance. Our channels experienced the opposite in their own personal ascension. The more love they accrued, the more they were punished by the destructive forces prevalent upon the Earth plane. The more love they accrued, the more the Masters in charge of your creation (i.e., Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara, the Third-Dimensional Hierarchy, Helios and Vesta) turned their back upon them, offering less protection or assistance. The more love they accrued, the more they were cursed by others. These experiences greatly sadden the Order of Rize, because they are so painful. However, we also note that our channels made contact with us because of the lack of assistance or guidance that they received from almost any Master or governing body within your creation.

   Within the distortion of thoughtform within your creation, power and love have become separated. Within the experience of separating love and power, the spiritual path within your creation has become about accruing power rather than love. Power devoid of love leads to the extreme examples of destruction experienced throughout your creation. Examples of such destruction are recorded in your cosmic and universal archives and are similar to the “Star Wars” movies produced by your movie directors. Within these archives (which are currently under repair by the Order of Rize), it is clearly shown that entire planets, solar systems, or galaxies have been permitted to be destroyed by incarnate beings who had accrued great power but were totally devoid of love. A related Earth plane experience of this nature can be seen in your recent historical experience of “Hitler,” who also accrued great power but was totally devoid of love. The souls incarnate in such beings as Hitler had been given great power in their spiritual evolution without the counterbalancing force of love. In Hitler’s case, his soul had been given the information on the pattern of the “curse” and great power during spiritual initiations taken within the Andromedan Galaxy. Because Hitler’s soul knew how to curse and had been given great power devoid of love, Hitler cursed everyone upon Earth (including all governing bodies) and then used his power to attempt to conquer the world. Hitler failed because there were yet other souls with greater power than Hitler, who cursed Hitler in return, and in time brought forth his downfall.

   The problem of a spiritual initiation process which has become based upon the accruing of power rather than love is the result of the closed heart chakra experienced in almost all species within your creation. We have already noted the closed heart chakras within the Andromedan and Illuminati species along with humanity at large in our channel’s earlier article Attaining a Fifth-Dimensional Awareness. Without a fully functional heart chakra, it is impossible to understand or embrace love, compassion or a state of harmlessness in physical or non-physical form.

   We point out that the dysfunctional heart chakra is not only a physical phenomenon but is also a distortion within all of the souls within your creation. For this reason, all souls who have accrued power in the initiation process of your creation (and have often acquired positions of great authority in either physical or non-physical planes of reality) are currently being reassessed by the Order of Rize. There are many beings in high-level positions who are being replaced. Some of the replacements have already been noted by our channel and include the Third-Dimensional Hierarchy of Earth (Lord and Lady Sirius), the Solar Hierarchy of your Solar System (Lord and Lady Holorama), the Universal Hierarchy (Lord and Lady Suntuno), the Creator God of Your Creation (Lord and Lady Athena), and most recently, your Cosmic Hierarchy has also been replaced. The reason for the need to bring forth new governance within your creation is due to the lack of love and compassion within those who have been in charge of your creation for so very long. The lack of love is the result of overvaluing power and undervaluing love within the spiritual initiation process throughout your creation.

   The lack of love in your creation is a result of a curse upon your Godhead, Lord Rama. The vibrations of love have been missing from your Godhead for eons of time. The vibrations of love were lost due to a Godhead-level curse which had been placed upon Lord Rama by another logos, removing these vibrations from his creation. Without the vibration of love within his creation, it is impossible to experience or understand real love. Without love, spiritual evolution gradually became founded upon power, control and manipulation rather than love. This distortion infected the entire initiatory process throughout Rama’s creation and produced Masters who were very powerful but unloving.

   Please understand that we hold no judgment of Lord Rama or any of the other Lords and Ladies who have co-created this experience. These experiences are a part of all Creator Gods who are learning about creation and destruction. We spoke in our last article about the purpose of creations such as those that Earth exists within and how all Creator Gods learn through trial and error.

   Our channels receive so many e-mails from other initiates who have loved and adored the original Third-Dimensional Hierarchy, Lord Sananda, Lord Helios and Vesta or Melchizedek. We point out the difference between love that is illusory and based upon magic and love that is real. In the ascension process, initiates must learn to discern for themselves in their interactions with others (whether they be upon the physical plane or a non-physical plane) who is loving and who is not. Discernment is easier as an initiate allows themselves to “feel” the love emanating from another. Feeling love that emanates from another, whether it be another human being or a non-physical Master, requires an open heart chakra. In our observation, those who have no ability to feel love or have a closed heart chakra have the greatest difficulty in discerning what is loving and what is not, because they cannot feel the love. When an initiate cannot feel love, they are most easily deceived or manipulated in the physical plane or non-physical plane interactions by those who are filled with illusory love.

   Many of you upon Earth may understand illusory love far better than you may realize. Your advertising media is filled with illusory love. The promise within all advertising is that the object will somehow fill one’s life with more love. The illusory love in your advertising media is the result of the gifts of magic inherent within those who work for such organizations. There is no real substance behind their advertisements, and the products they promote can never really fill the soul of a human being with love. There are also those upon the Earth plane who are personally loaded with illusory love and often become the politicians, leaders or movie stars of your world. These individuals are masters of glitter and illusion, but there is no real love emanating from their presence or energy field.

   Those who embody real love do not seek out fame, fortune or power. Real love seeks only to love and honor everyone and everything upon Earth and can be seen by those who are clairvoyant and felt by those who have any open heart in their presence. We, in the non-physical realms, can quickly discern those who love from those who do not. Those who love are surrounded in the vibrations that are all variations of pink, from the deepest fuchsia to the lightest of silver-white pink.

   For those who cannot yet feel or see clairvoyantly, illusory love and real love can also be discerned by observing the behavior of another. Those who express illusory love will generally seek to control or manipulate rather than allow. If they cannot succeed in their attempt to control or manipulate, they will often attempt to destroy, undermine, invalidate or dishonor another. Inherent in the experience of illusory love is betrayal. All feelings of betrayal are the result of the experience of being destroyed, dishonored or undermined by another.

   The experience of codependence and martyrdom is also the result of illusory love. In the paradigm of codependence, a loving individual gives to another at the expense of themselves. One who truly loves will act out of the desire to support, honor and give to another whatever they are in need of and honor themselves simultaneously. Real love only gives to another what their soul is in need of and allows all the lessons contained within all physical plane manifestations of others.

   The need for initiates to learn to discern that which is loving and that which is not also applies to the unseen worlds of your reality. The beings who have been in charge of your creation have been masters of illusion and masters of magic. In their mastery of illusion and magic, they have been able to create veils surrounding themselves that make it appear as though they are loving. As our channels transited the belief in illusory love, they were shocked when they lifted the veils surrounding these masters, only to discover that they were black in color underneath. As we stated earlier, love is a vibration that can be seen as a silver-pink white in color. The vibrations of these masters underneath the veils was dark and, in seeing this, allowed our channels to understand that the very fabric of these masters did not contain real love.

   Furthermore, each of these masters failed the test of love given to them by our channels and many other beings upon Earth in their own initiation process. Many may not understand that spiritual initiations are always a two-way street. Both the initiate undergoing the initiations and all those who direct or govern the initiate are being tested. Tests can be failed by either or both, thus preventing one or both from moving any further in their initiation process. Ascension involves all of the beings (physical and non-physical) of your entire creation. For Earth to ascend, the very masters who govern Earth must also ascend. Each of the masters governing Earth failed their own spiritual initiations and have been replaced because they were unable to ascend or move up in vibration.

   In the case of our channels, each master or guide who worked with them that failed the test of “love,” failed their own related initiation. The records of these experiences were transferred from both our channels and many other spiritual initiates upon Earth undergoing these initiations to the governing bodies beyond them. This resulted in the hierarchical changes that have been noted by our channels in earlier articles. Many of you may wonder who our channels are that they would pull such authority within their own initiation process. They are an aspect of the God who exists outside of the distortion who has returned to assist in the repair of certain sectors of his own creation. He has also returned to understand the experience of distortion by experiencing the distortion first hand.

   We would like you to understand that everything which exists within your creation is a part of the whole. Our channel’s souls are no better or worse than any other soul within this creation. Each soul has as important a part of this creation as any other. All souls are worthy of love. Many souls within this creation have forgotten their worth, forgotten their origin, and forgotten their way back out of the distortion. Our channels have come forth (along with many others) to pave the way out of the distortion. They have come out of their love of All That Is. Those who have come from outside of the distortion will step forward in great numbers to assist in creating a new form of leadership upon Earth, leadership that will be based upon real love rather than glitter and illusion.

   To embody a state of harmlessness, an initiate is required to embody real love. To embody real love, a marriage must occur between the soul and the personality. The personality is a biological genetic phenomenon. The biological vehicle alone is not capable of generating love. Love is generated by the soul through the body. The human form, in its original blueprint, was designed to amplify the vibration of love from the soul such that it supplied whatever plane that it was incarnate upon with the vital energy or chi necessary for the collective reality to continue to subsist.

   Prior to Initiation 5024, there is great variance between the biological personality and the soul. Oftentimes, the personality will be a polar opposite to the actual characteristics inherent in the soul incarnate within the form. These differences are a result of the distortion within your creation that has created an “unconscious.” The separation of the conscious and unconscious lead to many different personalities on many different planes of reality within any lifetime and incarnation upon Earth within the past 10,000 years of human history. We have written about these planes in great detail in our article Attaining Liberation and recommend that initiates read this material for further information if they have not already done so.

   In the ascension process, the biology and genetics are altered in such a way that the personality and soul come into a state of divine union. In the state of divine union, the personality and soul are one inseparable being. The charisma, humor and joy expressed by our channels in their teaching is truly the charisma, humor and joy of their souls. This can only be accomplished as all unconscious planes of reality that create a split or polarization between the biological personality and the soul are completely unified. By completion of Initiation 5024, all unconscious planes of reality are reunified and integrated into the form such that a state of divine union between the soul and personality becomes possible.

   As the soul and personality attain a state of divine union, the vibration of love is infused throughout the form allowing the body to anchor the vibration of the Golden Octave of the Buddha. The vibration of the Buddha is a golden white color. Golden white is the vibration of unconditional governance or governance based upon unconditional love.

   The Golden Octave of the Buddha was once held upon Earth within the Buddhic plane. The Buddhic plane became separated from Earth some 30,000 years ago. The karma surrounding the removal of the Buddhic Plane is held within Lord Rama’s soul records. Lord Rama extended a part of himself on to Earth 30,000 years ago in an attempt to reverse Earth’s further movement towards destruction and annihilation. During his ascension, Lord Rama was used by the seven Kumaras to further distort the Earth plane without his awareness. We will describe the seven Kumaras in further detail a little later in this article. Although Lord Rama embodied the crystalline genetic blueprint and made his physical ascension into the fifth dimension, the blueprint was distorted in such a fashion that the conscious and unconscious planes of reality were not completely unified within his being. It was upon the unconscious planes of reality that the Kumaras distorted the Buddhic plane during his ascension by twisting the planes in such a way that the Buddhic plane went from the conscious to unconscious energy field upon Earth. This was accomplished without Lord Rama’s awareness.

   The Order of Rize is in the process of repairing and restructuring both the genetic material embodied during the ascension process and the Buddhic plane to meet the standards of a blueprint that was originally cast before the distortion of this creation. It will require one per cent of the human population to embody Initiation 5024 to re-anchor the corrected blueprint for the Golden Octave of the Buddha and restore the Buddhic Plane to the conscious planes of reality upon Earth.

   As initiates complete Initiation 5024, they embody a state of harmlessness and non-conditional love. Non-conditional love is real love that emanates through a fully opened heart chakra. The heart chakra of an initiate of this level is silver pink in color and appears much like a star that surrounds their entire form. The love that pours through their heart fills the room or region that they live in and can be felt by others with an open heart who are in their presence and seen by those who are clairvoyant.

INITIATIONS 3500–5024:

In order to complete Initiation 5024, all karma that exists upon the Cosmic Unconscious planes of reality must be released. It is upon the Cosmic Unconscious planes that initiates will discover karma related to the seven Kumaras, who are namely, the Kumara of Lust, the Kumara of Suffering, the Kumara of Pain, the Kumara of Death, the Kumara of Judgment, the Kumara of Fear, and the Kumara of Greed.

   In prior articles, we spoke of anti-Christ beings who had infected your creation and took energy without giving anything in return. These beings were sent here by other Creator Gods within your Godhead. The Kumaras are related to the destructive beings who have ruled your creation for eons of time. Much like your solar system (which became the prison camp for destructive souls within the Third and Fifth-Dimensional Universes), your Creation (which contains Dimensions 1–144) has also been used as the prison camp for destructive souls by all of the other 143 creations and Creator Gods within your Godhead.

   The level of destruction throughout your creation (which includes the Feminine Mahatma and the Feminine Cosmos) is a direct result of an over abundance of destructive souls within your creation. We spoke about the level of destruction in detail in our article Beyond Liberation and recommend that our readership read this material for more information if they have not already done so. All of the articles that have been written through our channels beginning in October of 1997 are presented in a sequence that builds upon one another in information. It may behoove initiates to read the information in the order that it was written for this reason.

   Upon the cosmic unconscious plane, the records of how the destructive souls were infused into your creation is recorded. Much of this information had been destroyed or hidden over time, and the Order of Rize is in the process of repairing your archives so that the distortion and destruction can be reversed within your creation. The records clearly show that Lord Sananda (who has held the position of Cosmic Christ), Lord Metatron (who has held the position of Cosmic Lord of the Angels), and Lord Averil (who has held the position of Cosmic Lord) were given the role of being the Cosmic Wardens to contain and control all of the destructive souls who have been added to your creation over time.

   At another time, three other Lords held these positions prior to the distortion and destruction now prevalent throughout your creation. These Lords have returned to repair and restore your creation to the pristine state that it once existed in many eons of time ago. These Lords are, namely, Lord and Lady Alkalai (who now hold the position of Cosmic Christ), Lord and Lady Sainai (who now hold the position of Cosmic Lord of the Angels), and Lord and Lady Sonala (who now hold the position of Cosmic Logos). The position of Cosmic Logos has the role of embodying all universes within your creation. The position of the Cosmic Lord of the Angels embodies the Great Central Sun and oversees the evolution of all of the angelic realm in all universes. The position of Cosmic Christ oversees the evolution of all universes along with the evolution of the Cosmic Logos and Cosmic Lord of the Angels.

   These three Lords and Ladies were destroyed and run out of their own creation when your creation was turned into a prison camp many trillions of Earth years ago. They have returned to repair their creation to the state that it once existed in outside of the experience of distortion. They have returned (just like the Fifth-Dimensional Hierarchy, the Solar Hierarchy, the Universal Hierarchy, and Lord and Lady Athena) because they, too, have karma that must be cleared in order to evolve, and the karma goes back to the time that this creation was singled out to contain all destructive souls within your Godhead.

   Although you have new governing bodies throughout your cosmos, Lord Sananda, Lord Metatron and Lord Averil are still present and working closely with these new Lords and Ladies in the repair of their creation. Much like Melchizedek and Earth, these predecessors are intertwined with their creation to such an extent that it will require the ascension of the entire Cosmos to fully release their consciousness from their creation.

   Many have equated Lord Sananda and Lord Matreiya with the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It may interest our readership to know that this is a distortion that was added to the Cosmic Unconscious plane of reality. Lord Sananda has held the position of Cosmic Christ and Lord Matreiya the position of Planetary Christ. They have been affiliated with the Christ vibrations. The distortion of these vibrations is currently under repair by the Order of Rize. The man Jesus Christ, along with Buddha, and the incarnation known as Rama were each direct extensions of your Godhead (Rama) who did not travel through the distortion of your cosmos to take embodiments upon Earth. They had no relationship to either Lord Sananda or Lord Matreiya. The purpose of Lord Rama sending in extensions of himself to Earth was to see if he could reverse the distortion within his own creation of his own accord.

   Many may not understand that the lifetimes of such beings as Jesus, Buddha and Rama were created through a collaboration of many souls who came together to co-create these particular lifetimes. In each of these incarnations, more than forty souls were involved in varying capacities to bring forth their respective ascensions. Each of the forty souls involved were from outside of the distortion held within your creation. Some of the souls incarnated into the form from birth or held the embodiment for certain portions of the lifetime and some overshadowed the form until it ascended.

   The Cosmic Unconscious revealed some interesting facts about these lifetimes that we now share. As Lord Buddha ascended some 8,500 years ago, the Kumaras fully infected the genetic patterning of the human form. This was not Lord Buddha’s fault. The genetic material that he embodied (much like Rama’s incarnation and ascension) did not allow for the entire unification of the unconscious planes of reality. Through the unconscious plane of reality, the seven Kumaras altered the human DNA to further manipulate and control humanity.

   As an initiate moves through their initiations in the ascension process, the archives of genetic material previously inaccessible becomes accessible. During this process, forces of the dark can manipulate or distort the genetic blueprint. This occurred during both Rama’s and Buddha’s ascensions during their respective incarnations. As a result, our channels and the Order of Rize have brought forth a corrected blueprint for the human form in the ascension process that is devoid of the distortions and manipulations of the Kumaras or any other force of the dark that has prevailed upon Earth. These new records are sealed and only accessible by the Order of Rize at this time. This is simply to prevent further distortion of the corrected blueprint, for there are still those present upon Earth who would like to prevent any form of ascension whatsoever. This information is given to initiates as needed after they have passed each segment of tests in their own initiation process.

   In addition to manipulating the DNA during Buddha’s lifetime, the seven Kumaras sealed the pathway to the fifth dimension following Buddha’s ascension such that no one has been able to ascend since. An aspect of Lord Rama returned in the form of Jesus because not one of Buddha’s disciples ascended following Buddha’s ascension, and Rama knew that something must have gone wrong. Both Jesus and his eleven disciples came together with the soul agreements to ascend as a group into the fifth dimension. The ascension of Jesus and his disciples would have required the same genetic alteration that our channels and many others are currently proceeding through upon the Earth plane. These initiations would have, however, taken much longer due to the lack of photonic energy upon Earth at that particular time in history. We believe that Jesus made contact with a priest in Egypt that would have allowed both he and his disciples to utilize the pyramids to bring forth their respective ascensions. The seven Kumaras, who by this time in history had such control of the earth plane, prevented Jesus’ ascension by adding karma to his unconscious causing him to manifest his own crucifixion. The karma appears to be added to the unconscious unconscious planes of reality, and Jesus was unable to access these records to clear them fast enough to prevent his own annihilation (see Attaining Liberation for more information).

   We would like to speak a little about many of the lies which have been perpetuated upon Earth by the seven Kumaras. There is much material channeled stating that Jesus ascended from the cross, yet, upon review of both the cosmic unconscious and Rama’s soul records, there is no such record of this occurring. We do not believe that Christ was far enough along in his crystalline conversion to ascend at that point in his life. It took Buddha three-hundred years to ascend. We believe it might have taken Jesus even longer due to the density of the Earth plane at the time of his incarnation.

   It may interest our readership also to know that the cosmic archives also revealed that John the Beloved Disciple of Christ was actually a woman by the name of Jonanna. Jonanna dressed as a man and traveled with Jesus and the disciples. Jonanna veiled herself this way because it would have been difficult for her to teach as a woman, especially following the crucifixion of Jesus. Jonanna also wrote the “Book of Revelations” just prior to her death. We point out that it is the feminine genetics that hold the capacity to see the future, and such material would most easily be channeled through a feminine form. Jonanna was also an extension of Rama and the twin flame aspect to the soul incarnate in the embodiment of Jesus. Their relationship was never consummated because they took vows of chastity, although they loved each other greatly.

   There have been many lies perpetuated by the Kumaras about a form of ascension that does not require the conversion of the form to a crystalline cellular structure. There is no record of anyone ascending from the Earth plane since Lord Buddha’s incarnation 8,500 years ago per the cosmic libraries. We believe that such lies were holographically implanted into the human genetic memories by the Kumaras to perpetuate their control over humanity. Every human being will contain records within their own genetic encoding of the lifetimes of everyone upon Earth, including Jesus, Buddha and Rama. The Kumaras have had access to the genetic archives and have had a free hand at adding whatever fantasy or lie that they wished for 8,500 years.

   These holographic distortions also pervade Earth’s mass conscious dream. Even our channels have read these holographic distortions in the past, interpreted them as real, and often even included such interpretations within their prior written material. It was not until our channels transcended their agreements with the seven Kumaras that they could rise above the veils that the Kumaras had placed around Earth. These veils contained holograms that clearly showed that Earth and her ascension are right on course and everything is “fine,” when in fact, Earth’s ascension is not guaranteed at this time in history at all. All such holograms that perpetuate beliefs such as “Everything is fine,” “God and the Angels will take care of everything,” and “You need not do anything, because it is being handled for you” also perpetuate spiritual stagnation. Such beliefs cause initiates to stagnate because they perpetuate codependence upon God and a lack of taking full responsibility for their own ascension process.

   Those who have governed your creation have wanted to prevent ascension because ascension would allow the “dark” souls imprisoned here to escape. From this perspective, the Kumaras were doing their job by lulling humanity to sleep into a mass conscious dream that would not permit them to evolve. If humanity and those who are awakening wish to change the future physical annihilation of Earth, it must be understood that every human being must wake up from the dream. Part of the reason that we, the Order of Rize, believe that this is so difficult is that the Kumaras actually did a very good job of putting humanity to sleep.

   The Order of Rize is currently removing such holographic entries from the mass conscious beliefs that surround the Earth Plane to allow those who would like to ascend a greater opportunity to do so. Although we are supplying such help, the ascension process still requires that initiates take full responsibility for everything that they are creating and to intend to ascend of their own free will choice.

   Now, we go into more detail about the seven Kumaras. The seven Kumaras have controlled seven planes of reality upon Earth. The planes are, respectively, the Plane of Lust, the Plane of Greed, the Plane of Judgment, the Plane of Pain, the Plane of Suffering, the Plane of Death, and the Plane of Fear. These planes are lower in vibration than the astral planes and are equivalent to an ongoing “purgatory” or “hell” in nature. For example, our channels discovered one-third of Rama’s soul still hanging on the cross from his incarnation as Jesus on the Plane of Suffering.

   These seven planes are like quicksand in vibration. They absorb every last drop of life and life force out of anything that traverses their way. As a result, any soul trapped upon any of these planes of reality is trapped there for eternity. Our channels discovered parts of their souls that had been trapped upon these planes for thousands of years.

   Eighty-five-hundred years ago, as the seven Kumaras accessed the human genetic records, they took all of the information any soul incarnate in human form had accrued in prior incarnations,and all of the information inherent in the human genetic encoding. In having a hold on all information, the Kumaras took control of the human experience. Without information, humanity went deeper into fear, because they no longer remembered how to survive on their own. Information can be likened to software, and the body to hardware, in a computer comparison of the human form. The Kumaras seized all of the software, and this left the body in fear that it could no longer survive, because the body no longer remembered what to do in order to sustain itself.

   Once the Kumaras had seized control of the genetic information, they then utilized this information to “bargain” or negotiate with the souls incarnate in human form. Such bargains look something like this. You, as a soul incarnate, need to remember how to physically survive, or how to make love in order to reproduce, or how to manifest your dream, so, we the Kumaras will help you survive, or reproduce, or manifest your dream in exchange for the ownership of your soul. In so doing, the Kumaras eventually owned or possessed every soul incarnate upon Earth. In their ownership, they have had free reign to direct the human experience in whatever drama that they wished to experience upon the Earth plane.

   We spoke earlier in this article about the pattern of the “curse.” In the pattern of the curse, one being seizes information and power without “earning” it from another. The Kumaras collectively cursed all of humanity and seized their information and power in order to control the Earth plane. The records of these curses are recorded within the cosmic unconscious plane of reality.

   These seven planes are in the process of being removed from Earth in order to assist more of humanity in taking their ascension. The Kumaras themselves have been removed and returned to their dimension of origin by the Order of Rize. However, there are still fractured aspects of the Kumaras and their seven planes of reality embedded in Earth, and they will not be completely released until the Earth Mother completes Initiation 5024. Each initiate will have to release their own agreements and retrieve their own soul fragments trapped upon their many planes of reality to become fully free of their influence within their life and their life’s manifestations.

   NOTE: We do not recommend traveling to any of these seven planes during meditation or dreamtime. The energy from one’s lightbody will be vampirized because each of these planes are like quicksand and take chi very rapidly. Our channel, Mila, made the mistake of going on to the Plane of Suffering to “check it out” one afternoon, and her guidance had to pull her out and recharge her field so that she would not get ill. Instead, allow the Order of Rize to assist you in retrieving whatever soul related fragments you have upon any of these planes of reality and reunite them with your form.


The Kumara of Lust has owned all of the information on sexual energy flow and reproduction for not only humanity at large but the Earth Mother as well. Upon the Plane of Lust, you will find ongoing sexual fantasies of all kinds, including very abusive forms such as sadomasochism and bondage. Upon this plane, initiates will also find any fractured parts of their own soul or personality related to the pain of sexual abuse or humiliation. During the ascension process, these fractured parts of the soul and personality are retrieved and reunited and reintegrated with the form.

   The use of sexual energy to abuse, control, humiliate, or destroy is a distortion of the original purpose of this energy. Sexual energy is the creative force behind all of creation. Sexual energy (when shared with loving intent) amplifies the love between the beloveds which fuels whatever plane of reality they are upon. If they are upon the physical plane, shared sexual energy supports the creative flow of the planet that they are incarnate upon as well as their own personal life manifestations. If they were upon a non-physical plane, such as a Cosmic Lord and Lady, their sexual interplay would bathe the entire cosmos with love and fuel each of the creator Lords within their cosmos.

   Upon the Plane of Lust, sexual excitation is not utilized to fuel love, creation and expansion but rather to leach energetic flow from all who make love. Many may wonder why the act of making love leaves them tired and in need of sleep. This is because the energy generated in the act of making love is often vampirized by the Kumara of Lust and the Plane of Lust, especially if one tunes into the Plane of Lust to act out their sexual fantasies.

   There are many upon the Earth plane who rely upon the Kumara of Lust to manipulate others. One place that such experiences can be readily seen is within your pornographic industries. Our channels have personally known ex sex industry workers who relied upon the Kumara of Lust to perpetuate their income and business. The Kumara of Lust causes the sexual excitation between the sex worker and her audience but at the expense of leaching the chi or energy from everyone present.

   As initiates release all agreements with the Kumara of Lust, they will be able to repair their Akashic record archives and bring forth all the information necessary to sustain their sexual energy flow of their own accord. Once accomplished, the expression of lovemaking will feel different for it will become based upon real love rather than lust, magic, glitter or illusion. During their lovemaking, our channel’s heart chakras unite, bathing the entire region in which they live in a beautiful pink-white light that energizes everything around them along with their forms and physical plane manifestations.

   The movement of sexual energy within the field of those who are ascending is imperative to the maintenance of the vibration of the form. For those who are single and not in a life partnership, the movement of the sexual energy system is fully repaired such that it is free of the Kumara of Lust upon completion of Initiation 5024. The sexual energy system flows approximately twelve hours per day within our channels with or without the act of making love. This flow sustains their form and vibration with ease and flows as needed without any conscious intent upon their part.

   We would like to speak about initiates who continue to be sexual with others who are of a lower vibration or initiatory level. When you make love in human form, you open your energy field and chakras to the energy field of another. If the other individual has not cleared their karma with such beings as the Kumara of Lust, the Kumara of Lust can enter your field and leach your chi to such an extent that such an initiate may be unable to move forward in their own ascension or may end up moving backwards in vibration. It is possible at this time in history to ascend. It is also possible to slide backwards in one’s ascension if an initiate is not careful in their interactions.


We will speak of these two planes together because they are so closely related. The Kumara of Pain and the Kumara of Suffering have made possible the experience of pain and suffering in human form. The experience of pain and suffering have become both emotional and physical in nature upon Earth.

   Upon the Plane of Pain, initiates will find ongoing painful sagas of all kinds from physical accidents to painful rejections. Upon the Plane of Suffering, initiates will find ongoing sagas of suffering from brutal torture to suffering in the grief of the loss of a loved one, or the physical suffering experienced in an illness. Upon the Plane of Pain or the Plane of Suffering, initiates will also find the parts of their own inner child and soul that have fractured in their painful experiences upon Earth. It is the Plane of Pain that locks the pain into the painful soul or life experiences. It is the Plane of Suffering that locks the experience of suffering into one’s life experience. When painful memories or memories of suffering go unreleased, they are destined to repeat again in one’s life experience.

   In the ascension process, fractured parts of the personality, inner child, and soul are recovered from the Plane of Pain and the Plane of Suffering and are reunited and reintegrated into the form. It is for this reason that the ascension process can be so painful for those who feel deeply. Our channel, Mila, cried endlessly throughout her initiation process. She would carry boxes of tissues everywhere she went, because she was always crying. Following Initiation 1024, she discovered that enough of the pain had been released on both a biological and soul level that the latter initiations have been less painful. This is not to say that the latter initiations are easy, just less painful.

   It is often the Kumara of Pain or the Kumara of Suffering who threatens initiates not to proceed upon their spiritual journey. The Kumara of Pain or Kumara of Suffering often threaten initiates with visions of physical accidents or emotional rejections coming from loved ones. If initiates believe in the vision presented, they may actually go on to create it within their own life experience. As initiates take control of their energy field and order such beings as the Kumara of Pain or the Kumara of Suffering out of their presence, such visions will leave along with the perpetrator. As initiates transcend Initiation 5024, all agreements with the Kumara of Pain and the Kumara of Suffering are released and all beliefs in the experience of pain or suffering along with it. Once the belief in pain and suffering is released, initiates will no longer create painful experiences of either a physical or emotional nature.


The Kumara of Death has created the experience of death upon the Earth plane. Upon the Plane of Death, initiates will discover all experiences of death recorded that have ever occurred within their genetic memories or soul memories upon the Earth plane. The Plane of Death contains ongoing dramas of death of all kinds, including brutal murders, suicide, painful accidents, death by torture, death by illness, or death in one’s sleep.

   The Kumara of Death generally makes agreements with humans to cause the aging, decay and eventual death within their life experience. Such agreements bring forth whatever form of death that the soul wishes to experience. If the soul is in an aged body and is unable to die, the Kumara of Death will leach the chi of the aged form to such a degree that the death can be brought forth into physical manifestation.

   It is also the Kumara of Death who perpetrates the fear of death upon Earth or within an initiate’s life experience. It is the Kumara of Death who often enters an initiate’s field bringing forth visions of death to put them in fear or cause them not to move forward upon their ascension path. As initiates learn to take charge of their aura and order such beings out of their field, the fearful vision leaves along with the perpetrator.

   When the Kumara of Death is present, initiates may feel “icy cold.” The icy cold feeling is caused by “death pictures” that have come up into one’s field. Death pictures are black in color, and if one were to look at the pictures themselves, they would see experiences of dying frozen in time. Because they are “frozen,” so to speak, the energy no longer moves in the pictures themselves, which gives such energy the icy cold feeling.

   Oftentimes, when initiates first learn to move the kundalini energy system in their field, many death pictures come up at once, and they begin to feel icy cold or fearful. The death pictures are the result of how the kundalini has been utilized for the past 8,500 years of human history during which the kundalini has rarely risen except upon death. It is the kundalini that rises as the experience of death is set in motion and collects all of the emotional memories of the lifetime as the soul leaves the form. If initiates experience fear or death pictures in learning to move the kundalini or in reading this material, it is recommended that they ground such pictures or energy into the center of the Earth and out of their auric field and order the Kumara of Death out of their presence. As this is accomplished, both the fear and the sensation of feeling icy cold will leave along with the death pictures and Kumara of Death itself.

   As initiates transcend Initiation 5024, they will transcend their belief in decay and death. As all beliefs in death and contracts with the Kumara of Death are released, initiates will no longer create the experience of aging, death or decay within their life experience.


The Kumara of Fear has perpetuated the experience of fear upon the Earth plane. Upon the Plane of Fear, initiates will discover ongoing fearful experiences being acted out, such as being chased by that which wishes to destroy you, to standing frozen and unable to speak in front of a large audience, to being abducted by others, to waking up completely paralyzed from an accident. Initiates will also discover parts of their own soul, inner child or personality trapped upon this plane of reality which fractured during fearful experiences within their current or past life memories.

   Over ninety-five per cent of the U.S. population and forty per cent of the world population have been abducted and experimented upon by the “Greys” or “Reptilians.” We have spoken about this already in our prior article Attaining a Fifth-Dimensional Awareness and suggest that our readership read this material if they have not already done so. In our channel’s case, all of their abductions caused parts of their inner child and personality to fracture and become trapped upon the Plane of Fear. As many of these parts were retrieved, our channel Mila, in particular, would often shake with uncontrollable fear for up to several hours. She quickly learned to ask her guidance to put her to sleep while this integration process was occurring. We share this for others who, like Mila, are extremely sensitive and emotional and feel everything during the ascension process.

   It is also the Kumara of Fear who often threatens initiates with fearful visions about potential future events. As initiates learn to control their boundaries and take charge of their field by ordering any being who does not support their highest good out of their presence, such visions will leave along with the perpetrator. By Initiation 5024, all aspects of one’s soul and personality which have been trapped upon the Plane of Fear are integrated, and all agreements with the Kumara of Fear are released. In so doing, initiates fully transcend their belief in fear and no longer create fearful experiences in their lives.


The Kumara of Judgment has perpetuated judgment upon the Earth plane. Judgment and judgmental thoughts perpetuate competition. Competition is the result of the belief that one is better than another or less than another in worth or value. The Kumara of Judgment has perpetuated competition in all forms, competition between races, competition between men and women, competition between families, competition between friends or co-workers, and competition between countries. The competition perpetuated by the Kumara of Judgment has resulted in war, poverty, hunger, and mass annihilation within the human experience and mass conscious dream.

   Upon the Plane of Judgment, initiates will find ongoing sagas of criticism and judgment of all kinds, from being fired from a job due to failing, to a parent belittling a child, to a loved one rejecting another because they are “not enough.” Upon the Plane of Judgment, initiates will also find that all wars ever experienced upon Earth are continuing to be fought.

   Initiates will find that parts of their own personality, inner child or soul which have fractured in the experience of being judged or belittled have been trapped upon the Plane of Judgment. In the ascension process, these fractured parts of oneself are retrieved and reintegrated into one’s personality and form a little at a time.

   It is often the Kumara of Judgment who enters one’s field with belittling thoughts of self or others. As initiates take control of their boundaries and order such beings and thoughts out of their presence, the thoughts that perpetrate judgment leave simultaneously. As initiates transcend Initiation 5024, they move beyond judgment altogether. Maintaining a state of harmlessness requires that no judgmental thought be entertained by an initiate, because it is through judgmental thoughts that one initiate “curses” another or perpetrates harmfulness energetically.


The Kumara of Greed controls every act of manifestation upon the Earth Plane. It is with the Kumara of Greed that any initiate must bargain to bring any desired vision to manifestation prior to completing Initiation 5024. It may surprise our readership to understand that any great “leader,” whether they be an author, director of a corporation, president of a country, or a spiritual guru, has made agreements with the Kumara of Greed to manifest their fame and fortune. The reason for this is that all manifestation has been controlled by the Kumara of Greed for the past 8,500 years of human history.

   It is the Kumara of Greed who often causes a big stumbling block for those upon the spiritual path. So often, difficulty with manifestation comes hand-in-hand with those who are committed to their spiritual journey. The reason for this (particularly in our channel Mila’s case) is that initiates who are devoted to their own unfolding refuse to bargain with the Kumaras for anything, even monetary needs. In Mila’s case, her ongoing difficulties with manifestation, which have been more than a decade-long problem, began as she began her spiritual quest.

   We will share with others what Mila discovered within her own journey. The Kumara of Greed can only affect one’s ability to manifest one’s vision when an initiate is in a state of fear. In fear, initiates go into a downward spiral in vibration. This allows the Kumaras to vampirize the initiate’s creative energy flow. Mila gradually learned to surrender all of her financial needs to her guidance and I AM Presence and stop worrying. The more she surrendered, the less she was in fear. Outside of fear, the Kumara of Greed had no power to prevent her from drawing others to her who were interested in healing work or her workshops.

   Mila’s surrender of her financial woes included many things. She allowed her guidance to tell her when to pay certain bills and when not to and when to discontinue to pay on certain debts altogether. It also included following her guidance as to when to buy something (whether it be for herself or for another) and when not to. She was also instructed never to check her account balance nor balance her checkbook. In total surrender and faith, going on three years now, she has always had enough to meet her needs. We share this for many initiates who may not complete Initiation 5024 for many years. As initiates surrender their financial woes to their I AM Presence, the I AM Presence will always make sure that they have enough to fulfill their soul purpose and meet their needs.

   Upon the Plane of Greed, initiates will find ongoing dramas of both wealth, takeovers, and fame as well as poverty and homelessness. Initiates will also find that parts of their own inner child, personality or soul that have fractured in past-life or present-life experiences of poverty or hunger. These fractured parts of self are retrieved and reintegrated within the personality during the ascension process.

   As initiates embody Initiation 5024, all agreements with the Kumara of Greed are released. In so doing, initiates move beyond the belief in greed altogether and thereby no longer create experiences of either hoarding or poverty within their life.


In order to attain the state of the Bodhisattva, initiates must transcend their agreements and interactions with the seven Kumaras. In so doing, they begin to embody seven laws. These laws are the “Seven Laws of Harmlessness” and will be written about in our next article.


We, the Order of Rize, are bringing forth information that will allow all souls upon the Earth plane to ascend without physically ascending the form. There are many other creations in other Ovums who have experienced a similar drop into density or matter as Earth. These creations were able to reverse the continued drop into density by allowing souls to ascend separate from their physicality. This new information will allow all incarnate souls, including those in plant, animal, mineral, dolphin and whale form, along with humanity at large, to move off the endless reincarnation cycle of birth, death and rebirth that has been present upon your plane of reality for 30,000 years.

   The information necessary to ascend souls separate from their physical manifestations is coming forth from three other creations with a parallel experience and will eliminate the fracturing of souls that would occur if Earth spontaneously combusted. If we allowed Earth to combust without the removal of the souls incarnate, each soul would further fracture into so many pieces that they (individually) would no longer continue to have conscious awareness. From our point of view, allowing such a catastrophe is unthinkable. Unwarranted destruction of souls, when there is the information and knowledge available to prevent it, is not advocated by the Order of Rize. Therefore, we are allowing the intervention necessary to bring forth soul ascension separate from form upon Earth.

   We point out that there is no soul-related evolution in your current system. The reincarnation cycle present upon the Earth plane only serves to perpetuate the swing from one polarity of experience to the opposite polarity without end. The entire purpose of any soul or group of souls to share in a particular creation is to spiritually evolve and gain an increased understanding of all patterns within the experience of creation and destruction. Your current system does not allow for any such form of evolution or increased knowledge, just the perpetuation of the existing thoughtform.

   When the experience within physicality causes a cessation of the original purpose for which the physicality was created, it ceases to have any soul-related purpose whatsoever. Because the ascension of the form serves no useful purpose in relation to soul evolution, the ascension of the soul without the form can be allowed.

   To bring forth soul ascensions separate from physical ascension, the Earth Mother is required to complete a certain segment of her global ascension, and humanity at large is also required to complete a certain segment of their biological ascension. We believe that completion of Initiation 1024 globally will be adequate to bring forth a mass soul-level ascension of all souls incarnate upon Earth. This will also require all of humanity to embody 1024 in physicality. We anticipate that this will be accomplished no later than 2007.

   Those humans, dolphins and whales who wish to ascend physically into the fifth dimension may also do so and will be supported by the Order of Rize. Those who ascend will be offered homes in either the Sirius star system or the Arcturus star system upon their respective physical ascensions.

   We wish you well upon you soul journey and unfolding. We love you and support you every step of the way. Namaste.

NEXT ARTICLE: The Seven Laws of Harmlessness