Anime: Rurouni Kenshin

Anime: Trigun

Korean Group: H.O.T.

Korean Group: S.E.S.

Misc: Counter Strike

Misc: About Me

Welcome to my website.  This is just a place where I post up information of all the things I'm interested in.  And like everybody else, I'll be more interested in more stuff and the links to the left will grow.  I just started on this page, so please bear with me while I work on the pages with my spare time and post up links.  In the meantime, please look through what I have now and maybe e-mail me with a few suggestions or so.  Thanx!  ^_^x

BTW, I plan on adding a guest book, links page, and maybe a counter.  If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to e-mail me!

*Current Updates*

     Well, it sure has been a long time since I started working on this page again.  I'm going to take out the Counter Strike section and replace it with Dark Age of Camelot (since that is what I'm playing now).   The only new thing I've made today is put in the archive link at the bottom. I'll make some more changes, maybe finally finish up the Rurouni Kenshin profile section. Still need to upload some more pictures. Will do that later. Enjoy!

go to [archives]