Welcome To Yummy Flapjack's Kinda Cool Site

I say, nice to meet you! News Update: Feb.25 2002, Who is the mysterious "Toa?" The answer lies in the next chapters of my fanfic! News Update: Feb.28 2002, Fanfic continues.

News Update: Feb.23 2002, Chapter 1-5 have been installed in the Bionicle Fanfic!

News Update: Feb.16 2002, I have finally updated! I added a new Bionicle page. To get to it click here. It is a fanfic.

News Update: Jan.19 2002, Boy, I'm not used to using 2002! I added the Philippines photos in the gallery.

This is a site dedicated to, Bionicle, my drawings, and other stuff. If you want to E-mail me, my address is: tiltntumble@hotmail.com My site isn't that flashy YET because I don't know much about HTML codes. They are really tricky!

My other pages of this site are, Bionicle, Bionicle Fanfic, Chums, Transformers, and Guest Book.

About Me!

My real name is Vincent. I am 12 years old. I live in Canada. I am a boy (duh). My fave toys are Transformers, LEGO, computer games, Gameboy, K'NEX, Capsela, and other stuff. I play the flute, not the greatest though! I have a hermit crab. My religion is Christianity. My fave kinda music is Christian music. My ethnicity is Chinese. My languages are English (duh). Hey! Visit the Photo Gallery.

Some LINKS: Angel Of Joy My cousin's site, she's a GREAT artist, Bionicle The official Bionicle site, Harrison's Site My friends site, Kanohi Power Although unofficial, this site offers more Bionicle info than the official site, Neopet hints A site with Neopet hints, help and other cool stuff, and Transformers The official Transformers website.

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