No rants yet, though I'll more or so likely get an opinionated point of view and be able to go on a tangent before too long ^_^*

This is going to be kinda stupid, but I need to rant. -.- Teachers.  I have been assigned three or four projects, big ones, all due within a week of each other.  Now, usually this is no big deal, but these are HUGE projects that can get me an F on my GPA and transcripts.  And, I'm the leader of several of these HUGE projects.. it's like, "Excuse me, teach, but, I do have other classes in this school, you know.  Yours is important and all, but.. I do want to pass my classes, thanks."
-.- I doubt I'd openly say that, because then I WOULD fail for opening my mouth... but its the truth, ne?  Mer.. I give up -.-

Lately, I've been getting depressed and angry exceptionally quick.  Today is unfortunately a prime example.  I've tried everything to be happy, like I usually am, and I should be happy in every right, but I stay angry and sad.  Couldn't sleep at all last night because I dreamt stupid things... things where my friends betrayed me non-stop in every possible way, where my parents saw me as the worthless, little, cold-hearted bitch with no opinion to share, and lastly.. where I tried to hurt myself and take my own life.  Why am I thinking this way?  I wish I knew, but I assume it's because every last one of my friends keeps dumping their damned problems on me for me to solve.  If it isn't the need for attention, it's suicide.. or boyfriend problems.  And then when I wish to share my own friggin' problems, nobody listens, because they assume that since I'm their own personal psychologist, I can't have the wrong answers and don'y have problems!  I am so tired anymore.. of everything...  I've lost so many people close to me through these feelings this year...
It's official.  I'm relapsing beack into what I used to be.  Depressed.  Angry.  Hateful.  Weak.  Pathetic.  Tired.  And no one to help me... nor even listen.  I'm alone, stuck within my own little space, curled up into the ever-protective fetal position.  I wish... I had someone to turn to, but I don't.  I have my mind and myself.  Alone.