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Name: Andrea
Nickname on the Site: Yunie
Other Nicknames: Koi, Andy
Birthday: November 2, 1984
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood Type: Unknown
Favorite Foods: Oriental, any and all kinds
Least Favorite Foods: Just.. overly disgusting stuff. Tomatos
Favorite Anime Characters: Akio, Amon, Shiroi Kumo, Anthy, Galaxia, Hinoto Recommended Anime: X, Utena, Sailormoon, Witch Hunter Robin, Final Fantasy Unlimited
Favorite Colors: Black, purple, crimson
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, cosplay
Future Dream: Don't actually have anything set right now
Special Talent: Drawing? I don't know
Personal Idols: Sera Myu actresses
Likes: Cosplay, friends, DDR, video games, hanging out, photoshoots Dislikes: Flamers and politics
Quote: "Proar."
Sites Featured On: This one,, ACP, Cosplaylab, lots of other cosplayer sites
Personal Websites: and my LJ, enginoshouzoku
Email Address:
AIM Screen Name: Unicorn986
Personal Message To Others: Have fun and keep smiling! ^_^

All characters (c) their rightful owners. All costumes (c) the girls of engi, please do not use pictures without permission.