
The following drawing was made by a really cool Canadian friend of mine. I will not mention his name, but he roleplays as Raymond Wolf or Phoenix Hedgehog. This picture depicts Yuoo explaining to Ray some theorems from Algorithms class.

The following image is by Victor Robles. Here is his webpage.

- a picture of Yuoo as a priest with a young cat named Tatiana

I drew the following anatomy diagrams based on a greyhound skeleton illustration in an animal drawing book. (Some of it was traced.) The images were too large to thumbnail.

The skeleton of a natural greyhound compared with the skeleton of a anthropomorphic greyhound.

The skeleton of a greyhound taur creature.

Here are pictures of a plushie that Yuoo sewed for a friend of his, Jesika Starwatcher.

Name: Gussette

Gender: Female

Species: Arctic Squirrel

Birthdate: June 14, 2004

Height: 16 inches tall

Personality: Extremely perceptive. She looks as if she's ready to spring at any moment. She's full of curiosity.
