Spirit, Meditation, and blessings"

*Book Blessing*

When you keep a Book of Shadows it is essential to bless and protect it. It will/does contain mysteries and details of your private workings which it is best that only suitable eyes see. Below is the blessing that I wrote, chanted, and inscribed on my own book; feel free to adapt and use it to protect your own.

"An and Al, and guardians all,
Bast and Anpu; hear my call.
Honoured Phagus you have grown,
to be the father of this tome.
Spirit's will, be manifest
and aid me now in my request:
That my book you will protect
and harmful energies deflect.
Air, harm not my book.
Fire, harm not my book.
Water, harm not my book.
Earth, harm not my book.
Sprit, protect my book.
My this spell not reverse
or place upon me any curse,
With harm to none,
My Will be done.
With thanks to my deities for aiding me,
I finish this spell, so mote it be.

*Garden Blessing*

At 7pm on a spring Thursday while the moon is as close to being full as you can find on the calendar, cast a large circle around the garden from its center. Asperge it with a chamomile infusion if you like, and cense it with the incense below. Burn four green candles at North, East, South and West.

Dance around the garden and chant:
"As the warmth of Bastet shines in spring and in summer,
so my garden will grow greener and fuller."

over and over, building power as you go. When you are ready release the power and direct it into your garden, every plant, tree, grass and small creature being touched and blessed by the magick. Visualise everything glowing with a beautiful green light, and growing tall and strong before your eyes. When you are finished don't forget to ground and center. Let the candles burn out while you eat and drink in-circle afterwards, then close the circle.

1 part Thyme
1 part Frankincense,
1/2 part Chamomile