How to cast a simple circle

**Before a ritual, I suggest sprinkling a little salt or saltwater around the area you'll be working. This is for protection purposes. When you open a circle, and draw down power….you are very vulnerable to outside forces.**

Gather and prepare tools

North ~ Earth
*represented by a rock or soil
East ~ Air,
*represented by a feather or incense
West ~ Water
*represented by a cup, bowl or chalice filled with water
South ~ Fire
*represented by a lit candle

*Invoke the elements* This is done by saying the invocation from invocation of elements page. Hold up the object for each element as you invoke the power of the Element(or elemental...but that is a huge long story)

Feel the winds of the North encircle you softly, then the East, South and West. Each time a new direction sends the wind, it gets stronger. Soon you are in a safe and protective circle. Envision the circle as more of a sphere; a bubble. This will keep you safe and protected throughout your spell.

With a stick (wand, athame etc.) trace a circle around you. Say:

The circle is cast.
I am between the worlds,
Beyond the bounds of time,
Where night and day,
Birth and death,
Joy and sorrow,
Meet as one."

Light another candle *in the middle of the circle or right in front of you*.

Say: The fire is lit, The ritual is begun.

Perform the task at hand. So mote it be!

In closing don't forget to thank the god/goddess and the elements!

This concludes my rite of the circle. Blessed Be!