Casting and Closing A Circle

Have your Alter and tools prepared and mark your circle with quarter candles. Move to the middle of the circle and state:

“I open my hands and the circle grows,
It encompasses and protects me,
As above. So below,
This circle is sealed.”

Then follows the calling of the quarters, beginning in the north, light each candle while invoking the quarters ( see invoking the elements page ):

**NOTE: you can change the meanings/symbology of each direction to suit yourself**

While lighting the candles visualize a growing sphere the encompasses your sacred space.

To close the circle, release the quarters. Say the following while walking around the circle, snuffling our each candle as you go:

East, south, West and north:
“I thank you for your assistance
may we meet again in love and trust.”

Move to the center of the circle, raise your hands above your head and slowly bring them down to your sides while moving around the circle saying as you go:

“I close my hands and the circle shrinks,
This circle is Open,
But never broken.