The elements

Air: compass point: East. Number: 1.
Represents intellect, communication, knowledge consentration; the ability to “know” and to understand; to unlock secrets of the dead; telepathy, memory and wisdom; the hawk, the raven and the eagle; prophecy; movement, karma and speed

Fire: Compass point: south. Number: 3.
Stands for energy, purification, courage, the will to dare, creativity; Higher self; success and refinement; the arts and transformation; the lion the phoenix and the dragon; loyalty and force.

Water: Compass point: West. Number: 2.
Associated with intuiton, emotion, the higher self, flowing movement, the power to dare, and cleansing all things; sympathy and love; reflection; current and tides of life; the dolphin, the swam, and the crab; dreams and dreamtime.

Earth: Compass point: North. Number: 4.
Mystery and growth, fertility, material abundance, the compimed forces of nature and its bounty; birth and healing; business, industry and possessions; the bear, the stag and the wolf; Conservation and nature

**If you call four at once you always call east, south, west, north. After you call them and do what you need with them, yo much dismiss them just the opposite as you call them.**