The Sabbats

January 31- (called Imbolc, Bridgit, or Febuary Eve), Also known as candlemas and bridgit's day. Also coincides with Groudhog's day. The days beggin to legnthen and spring is on its way. We focus on the revival of life. It;s time to prepare for the welcoming of the spring and a time of new beginnings, a choice time for dedication or re-dedication to the Goddess and God.

March 21- (Ostara or Spring equinox), Vernal Equinox the 1st planting fastival. The days and nights are now equal and Spring arrives to awaken our world. From here the "Easter bunny" takes his tradition of colored eggs and baskets teeming with flowers. We rejoice in the mothers gift of rebirth and fertility.

April 21- (Beltane or May eve), "mayday" The last spring fertility festival. It's time to be merry and dance around the maypole which is a symbol of fertility. At the Fertility festival you see the witches Leapinh joyously over the fires for good luck. We now celibrate the union of the Goddess and God