To be filled out by: a) Your PASTOR b) A FRIEND c) A PARENT / GUARDIAN

The APPLICANT: Please complete the information below and give it to each of your referees.
Name of APPLICANT: ______________________________________________________
APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: _____________________________ DATE: _____________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ CITY: ____________
SPECIFY SCHOOL APPLYING FOR: __________________________________________
The above applicant has applied for admission to a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) training
program.YWAM is an international, interdenominational Christian mission-oriented organisation.
Founded in 1960, it now has 552 centers in over 133 Nations on all six continents. Its purposes
include training, challenging and channeling Christians to fulfill Christ's command: "Go, therefore,
and make disciples of all nations". Mercy Ministries to the refugees of the world have become
an additional burden and reality. The University of the Nations is a training and logistics base
from which skilled workers are sent out. The DTS is the pre-requisite to the University of the
Nations Schools', which is run worldwide. In order to make an intelligent evaluation of the
applicant's fitness for admission to this training program, it would be appreciated if you could
supply the information requested here. Serious consideration will be given to your comments,
therefore we ask that you complete this form carefully.
Thank you for taking the time to help us in this way.


1. How well do you know the applicant? Very well []; Well []; Casually [].
2. What is your relationship to the applicant?
Employer []; Teacher []; Pastor []; Friend []; Other [] (specify) _____________
3. Please circle what best describes the applicant
(1=Superior 2=Above Average 3=Average 4=Below Aaverage 5=Inferior)
Initiative: 1 2 3 4 5
Social adaptability: 1 2 3 4 5
Concern for others: 1 2 3 4 5
Ability to Follow: 1 2 3 4 5
Leadership: 1 2 3 4 5
Judgment/Decision Making: 1 2 3 4 5
Emotional stability: 1 2 3 4 5
Health: 1 2 3 4 5
Personal Appearance: 1 2 3 4 5
Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________
4. Please tick which answer best describes the Applicant:
Mental ability: Quick to Comprehend []; Average []; Slow [].
Industry: Hard Worker []; Average []; Lacks persistence [].
Reliability: Meets obligations []; Average []; Neglects obligations [].
Co-operative: Works well with others []; Average []; Avoids group activity [].
Flexibility: Open to change []; Average []; Unyielding [].
Christian Character: Well balanced []; Average []; Unstable[].
Disposition: Cheerful []; Average []; Passive [].
Punctuality: Punctual []; Average []; Often late [].
Financial responsibility: Honors obligations []; Average []; Neglectful [].
Additional Comments:____________________________________________________________
5. Is the applicant active in church work? Yes []; No [].
6. Does he/she display high moral standards? Yes []; No [], If no, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________
7. Is he/she prejudiced against groups, races or nationalities? Yes []; No [] -
If yes, Please explain: ______________________________________________________________
8. With reference to his/her Christian service, do you consider the applicant to be:
Dedicated []; Average []; Casual [] - Please explain: ______________________________________
9. In your consideration, which of the following would best describe the applicant's experience?
Mature []; Contagous []; Genuine & Growing []; Superfical []; Over-Emotional [];
Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________
10. Please comment on the applicant's family background (if known): ________________________________________________________________________________
11. Please add any other relevant remarks: ___________________________________________
12. Would you recommend the applicant for acceptance by YWAM?
Yes []; With some Hesitation []; No [] - If no, please explain: _______________________________
13. How well does the applicant speak and write the English language? ___________________
14. I have known: _____________________________________________ for _______ years
and believe that he/she possesses the qualities indicated above.
TITLE: _____ NAME: ___________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
TEL: __________________ FAX: __________________ EMAIL: _______________________
SIGNED: ___________________________________________ DATE: ___________________
Would you like to receive further information about YWAM? Yes []; No [].
Thank you for your assistance.