
A bit about myself, my real name's Mike Wu and I was born in Taiwan in 04/05/80 but moved to New Zealand when I was at the age of 8.  I've been a video addict ever since I first came in contact with Famicom back when I was only 6 years old and then I never looked back again. 

My mother tongue is Mandarin but after spending so many years in an English country my ability to write Chinese characters slowly faded away and while I can speak, listen and read Chinese like an average person (thanks to manga and novels) I will need to find some time to fix up my Chinese skills one day as I know it'll be very useful in my future career opportunities.  Ever since I started playing RPGS (first was FF 5), I've always wanted to learn more about Japanese hoping one day I wouldn't have to rely on walkthroughs to understand the storyline.  With some private tutoring and 4 years of Japanese class during High School, I've finally achieved what I aimed for long ago, even my Japanese ability still doesn't compare even the slightest with an average Japanese I can understand 90% of the in-game stuff now without looking up dictionary.

Currently I am in my final year as an Electronic and Electrical Engineering student studying at University of Auckland, I should've graduated a year ago but obviously hardcore gaming has taken its toll on me.  Besides gaming I also enjoy watching anime, playing table tennis, Badminton and going to the gym but with Uni life being as unpredictable as ever I haven't been able to allocate time (just plain lazy actually) to play regularly so my exercise primary now just involves weight training.. 

Coming close to an end to what I plan to write for TOD2 (except story synopsis), I've laid my eyes on Star Ocean 3 and probably will be writing a FAQ similar to the one I did for TOD2.  I am still an inexperienced FAQ writer so I look forward to improving my work and learning more.  Cya around on gamefaqs board.

Mike Wu
